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  1. WOS is always the shorter and smaller team it seems like, well not always but most of the time. Think about it.. Next year besides Ledet, which of there skilled playersw will be over 6'1? Lindsay is 5'5 Renfro and Thomas are 5'9. Salter is 5'8. Not much there.. But they will be fast for sure!
  2. Of course Dan Hooks wouldn't say that or take credit, due to the fact he's such a legendary coach and great guy, that would make him sound cocky ( OH NO! ). But WOS hasn't been top notch or a scary team since they went 10-1 a few years ago.. Sorry GUHNO I think I sent that to you in a personal message. Haha sorry I'm new here!
  3. A legendary era is over! I do wish whoever has to fill these monstrous shoes, the best of luck.. They'll need it  ;). I will say, WOS will be very powerful again this next upcoming year, however I don't see them as a state championship type of team anymore..
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