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Posts posted by getripped

  1. [quote name="wish u knew! Don't YA!" post="1416280" timestamp="1372220197"]
    Not all the coaches on the team have kids playing. I would bet, if your kid didn't sit the bench you wouldn't have changed your name and posted this!! The coaches have done their best in the short period of time that they have had. You have this in every little league around! Parents thinking their kid is better then the other. Just as you think yours is better then the 1st baseman. I was at game and the only reason they (lumberton) lost was because of two big hits from West End. Both were HOMERUNS one was a walk off in the 7th. So what did the coaches do wrong? Nothing.

    Now to answer your question, nothing needs to be done about the subs. Or maybe have someone who dont have a kid on the team coach it. But im sure people like you would still complain!! The only thing that needs to be done is not to allow so many on team!! 13 is way to many but what is the right number?

    BTW I bet he don't have anything to complain about tonight's game!! His boy played!!
    [/quote] LOL, Good Points!
  2. [quote name="OldBallCoach" post="1414183" timestamp="1371565034"]
    We are the Defending Champs...that just puts a bulls-eye on us though...

    I know everyone is gonna "load up" for this year...

    West End will be tough.
    Silsbee gets better every year.
    Lumberton and Buna both have several very talented players....

    We will see how it all shakes out?
    [/quote]Never bad to have bulls-eye on you, its giving respect.  My son told me WELL lost a couple of top kids, one to Jr. golf competition and one to an extended family trip. Will see how it shakes out, best of luck to all!!!
  3. [quote name="_visitor_" post="1406674" timestamp="1369161008"]
    My son is moving up to Majors next year and I would like to make sure he is on a team like the Reds.  We watched most of this seasons games played by the Reds and we were impressed with the quality players they were able to get. There were awesome players on every team but the Reds had far more high level players. What do we need to do to make sure my son gets on a team like that?

    say a few prayers following registration.
  4. [quote name="Keith Stone" post="1322538" timestamp="1352298559"]
    Last year at this time, Ford Park was packed every night with teams practicing. Now your lucky to see 2 teams a night out there. I wonder how those new prices for field rentals are working for them?
    [/quote]West End Little League had a fall ball program this year so the fields have been maintained.  I see select teams practicing out there all of the time. It's not that difficult to do the math on that one. Also, when the fields are available, the softball complex is cheaper.
  5. [quote name="westend1" post="1275123" timestamp="1347983902"]
    My lift at Sabine Pass Port Authority is allegedly getting installed today.  By next week, I should be chasing those reds.  Think Chester will go with a "lefty"?
    [/quote]you should master the skill of getting the boat in the stall and on the sling before you venture out of the Port Authority to chase Reds around the lake.  Glad to hear that you are at the port authority these days, its safer for you there.  :)
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