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Spartans Ball

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Everything posted by Spartans Ball

  1. Just because my ID is Spartans Ball, I am not a coach for Porter.  I am a fan though.  I am shocked at the way the refs called several games in Bridge City.  They were in no way Varsity Refs.  And if so, that is sad.....  I have refereed games in the past and I have seen much better from 9th grade refs.  Again, to fall down with the ball (after rebound), stand up and start dribbling without a travel called is pretty darn bad.  The ref was right there.  The championship game (overall) was not that bad.  But again, the same ref which called the Porter game stayed for the championship game and could not control the physical play under the boards.  Too many over the back calls not made.  Too many pushing off and not called (and some that were very obvious with people flying).  I wish I was 17 again.. I would have loved to play ball against 32 on Vidor because I GUARANTEE I would not be pushed around like he has been doing ALL STINKIN' TOURNAMENT.  You cannot creat space advantage by pushing off.  You can create space, but not push off to get an advantage.
  2. From the tone of the last reply, I take it that this is a player/student for that same school.  Enough said by your comments.. That is just a token of what your school and your coach is all about. I am not going to comment on the name of school.  Those of you who live in the area know exactly who I am talking about.  They want to pounce like kings on the small schools but don't dare to challenge the big schools.  I especially love the eyes that their players give on the court while playing and starring down fans like it means anything.  IT DON'T.. Matter of fact, it is just an embarrasment for you and your school.
  3. Thanks.  I am not a Porter Coach, but  I am a Spartans Fan.
  4. One last comment, I am disappointed is the sportsmanship of a team that wants to run full court press on teams that they are beating by over 40pts.  Where is the sportsmanship of their coach???  Is it that important that you have to foul in the last secs of a game, just so that you can get 100pts in a game.  Especially when you are beating them 97 to 17???  Come on man...  Really?  Is it that important to slam the other team that bad to get 100 pts.  Not only in one game but 2 games?  For those of you who don't know the scores of those 2 games (97 to 17 in one) (97 to 20 in the other).  I am not going to name the school, but all of you living in this area know who that team is.  I hope their coach reads this post.  That is wrong in so many ways.  I should call you the Yates of SE Tx.  At least several schools that I know in your area (who's coaches I know) would never do that to a school.  Think of the moral of those other kids and/or what you would feel like if that happened to you.  I mean seriously.  Lack of character, lack of sportsmanship and lack of common sense. You have a good team, you coach them well.  But to do that.. Means I give you the thumbs down.
  5. Hi there SE Tx Sports.  How about them Porter Spartans in the Bridge City Tournament???  We are a new school.. Young boys (no seniors).  We have 5 Juniors, 4 Sophs and a Freshman. No one has varsity experience before this year.  I am so proud of those boys.  They play with a heavy heart and competed well against Vidor and PNG.  Those games were a lot closer than the scores.  The refs in both games were horrible.  You cannot let a game get out of control like that.  You MUST be consistent with your calls on both sides of the floor which did not happen. I have never seen someone rebound the ball, fall on the floor with the ball, stand up and start dribbling the ball with no travel called.  That is ridiculous...........  I don't know if those few refs were varsity refs, but they sure didn't call a good enough game to be called varsity refs. Hats off to the Bridge City Coach for putting on a terrific tournament.  Gym was beautiful, town was great.  I also, want to extend my congrats to the Jasper, Orange Community Christian, Deweyville and WOS coaches.  You did a great job and communicate with your boys very well.  You should be proud of your boys.  They played very hard.
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