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Posts posted by reccosdog

  1. A great win on the road. The conditions were horrible and the referee wasn't much better. I agree totally about Ruiz, he's a bum, the kind of player I love to hate. Yes I saw Dempsey sit on the bench, fold his arms, push out his bottom lip and stare at Bradley. Reminded me of my Pee Wee League coaching days when a player got subbed out. I want to know when Kenny Cooper will get the call. In my opinion he is deserving.

  2. Explain please how my keeper has nine saves verses the fires keeper who has eight.  mine gets a shutout and so does the fire...  i have colorado keeper.  But their keeper gets 80something points and mine gets 48.  Also I have yet to get my Jewsbury points added to my total.  Come on bullets help me figure it out......  bon mot will when he gets back..  its just all i want is a fair ref...  see i am getting beaten again by some lame rules.. and plus i am tired.

    If you're refering to fireballs keeper, he got double points for captain.
  3. Personally I believe a "keep off the field sign" is a good idea. The reason I say this is because the last two years Bulldog Stadium field is torn up by people playing pick up games before soccer season even starts. The soccer teams are playing on dirt or mud if it has rained from the first game. If you watched any games there you would notice the end of the field near the scoreboard is completely torn up. The soccer teams deserve better.

  4. Yea NC is usually decent. The game got kind of rough, but I blame the ref for that. A lot of fouls didn't get called. One ref for a high school game really bites though. One of the NC players told the fans after the game that our players were a bunch of pansies (not the real word he used) and we needed to take steriods. He said it more than once and not one person, not even their coach said a word to him.

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