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Posts posted by dimlaws

  1. You know it's sad that Ozen played an hour and a half game plus a 4 min overtime that had loads of excitement and the only details about the game that is posted besides scores , is a 5 second chest bump by a coach. SEW WHAT!...He is also a football coach...it's called excitement, and the players feed off of it. Football coaches "chest bump"players after touch downs and big plays all the time, on all levels...that coach is a big part of Ozen's intensity and their ability to overcome adversity. I hardly think a ''chest bump" warrants a discussion in the mist of the biggest win of the year for those girls. IMO, it shows no class on your part to even post such foolishness that takes the focus away from a great achievement by the Lady Panthers! Now to put the focus where it needs to be....congratulations to the Lady Panthers and COACHES on a great tournament, and defeating 5A #3 ranked Clear Springs. Special congrats to Ozen's  All tournament team players, Beloved Brown, SanQuiesha Rawls, Nekia Jones and MVP Asia Booker....Go Panthers!
  2. Glad to here Daytons guard will be ok.....Hill guy in case you didn't know, Ozen played half the game with one starter!  Ozen had 32 fouls. For starters had 4 fouls by mid 3rd quarter and one fouled out. We played with four starters for about 5 min in the 4th quarter and opened up a very quick 12 pt lead. Dayton has a good team, but let's not take off running to the bank with that score!....Oh, and by the way Ozen won the Tournament. They beat Westbrook by 60!.....Asia Booker MVP.....Beloved Brown and Sanquisha Rawls.....All Tournament Team......Go lady Panthers!!!!!!!!
  3. Well...Hillguy said it all JR...I guess its just that easy to beat Ozen ..sounds like it should be an easy win for Central.....I guess BH and the other 24 teams that Ozen beat Couldn't stop what Ozen does after a defensive rebound or made shots...lol.. Dont worry about      # 14's defense and toughnes, Dont worry about #1 shooting 3pters, Don't worry about #21's outside shooting and ability to penetrate. Oh and #12....surely dont worry about her......Just stop what they do after defensive rebounds and made shots...Just that simple!...lmbo!!!!! 
  4. @Jr-.. You got me on that little typo...but you know what i meant...lol. No one on this forum would have made that kind of prediction besides you. I know you believe that no one will go undefeated in district, but surely you counldn have thought Livingston would be Ozen by 3 after Central beat Livingston by 27 and Ozen beat Central by 12....the math just didnt add up.. And dont start that crying Tito..Everyone has heard your story about the injuryed players...I sure hope all of Central's girls are healthy on the 25th... cause I dont think i can take hearing you cry this time.

    P.S.....I will make sure that there is plenty of tissue at Central's gym for you TITO....lol   
  5. Bleed orange.... Kids determine the outcome of a game regardless to the officiating...Are you SERIOUS!!!...WOW!.....I have not said much about this subject...but.. I agree that alot of opinions are preconceived based on prior experiences with BH officials. Im not from this area but i heard people telling stories about BH officials cheating them as far back as the 80s. I think when strangers in the stands share horror stories about BH officiating over the years makes matters worst.....it was not just ozen fans but everyone who sat on that side shared the same consensus about the officials... not neccessarily this weekends officals... but BH officals overall. Baytown and Nederland complained also....Ozen was just the most vocal. I think the current officals are still catching hell from what officals did years ago....Can everyone be making up these horror stories?

    ....I had one personal experience about 3 years ago at a little league championship game. BH had two teams in the tourney. My sons team knock BH team 1 out of the final. They ended up playing the BH team 2 for the championship. Well... guess who change clothes and walked to  officiate the game? Yep... the head coach of BH team1....you can probable guess how the game turned out... Unfortunately, I think  its going to take some time to change that negative perception......Good luck officials 
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