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  1. But you won't be here. Don't you start your second job this weekend at the mall as Santa's little helper??????
  2. Oh, I see....you travel farther west, like to Westheimer, perhaps???
  3. Why you hatin on BH? What did your girlfriend leave you for some hottie from BH back when you were in high school?
  4. Something tells me the only pancakes you lay these days are the one from I-HOP. :wink:
  5. Seriously, how many pages do y'all plan on getting this topic up to by Friday? By the time you get to the end, you can't remember what is was to start with. Here, let me give y'all a quick summary. BH is 21-4a Central is 22-4a BH is undefeated Central is not BH has athletes, big, strong, fast, etc. Central has athletes, big, strong fast, etc. BH has good coaches Central has good coaches Bottom line, the winner of this game will be the team that wants it the most. The team that comes out ready to play hard nose Texas High school football. So stop smackin about all this "weak" crap, because to be at this next level, there's nothing weak except the excuses that the loser makes on Saturday morning.
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