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Posts posted by iamthekingbee

  1. I wish the school board would have given coach Pachuca a shot at AD, Like I said before, He has a good demeanor about him and the kids work their tails off for him. I have 2 in high school this year and next year will have 3 there and would have loved for Pachuca to coach my kids, He has what I as a parent want in a coach for my kids. He can get them to give what they are capable of and they love him for that.As far as Bickem goes , I think he did what he thought was right ! But he had  a group of kids that where going to the playoffs with or without him. The kids we have now are a good group of talented kids that should go to the playoffs with the right coach and I don't think Bickam is that coach.  As far as McDaniels goes I am trying to keep an open mind and hope he can get the job done. I will be really disappointed if we loose Pachuca, he will be sorely missed if he leaves.... And this is just my opinions and what I think!

  2. You know ! I don't understand why this school board doesn't take the advice from the parents in this town and give the job to Pachuca. I would have liked to seen him get the opportunity to show what he can do..... Now that I got that out of the way! If coach McDaniel accepts this offer I wish him the best! I hope he is a people person that can connect with the kids. Deweyville is a proud city and expect to be competitive and he has got just a little time to get things rolling. Best Wishes and good luck  coach!!!!

  3. I would love to see coach Pachuca get the job. Both my son and daughter really like him and talk about him often. He has a knack with the kids and they respect him. His dad was my coach in Port Neches and he is a great man and I see a lot of him in the young coach. I hope he gets the opportunity to show what he can do!!!!! Good luck coach Bickham ! Wish you all the best and good luck!

  4. I came from a 5A school and yes they have more of a buget to work with and it would be nice for D'ville but it isnt that way.I think Coach Bickham has done a fine job and cant wait till next football season, and if I have to buy my kids shoes so be it! The coaches he has brought in love to coach and they fit in with us . As far as Jackson,I did like coach Jackson and my son was friends with his and I hated to see him go but thats is life! I wish him and VInes and Tibbs all of the best.Our kids will get out there and give it 100% like they always do and we will be proud of them as we are.I believe Bickham is going to do what he can for baseball ,basketball and volleyball. We all know you have to start somewhere and this is only his 2nd year lets give him some time before we write him off! I think he is here for the long haul.And I just want to say how proud of the Football team and for them to keep thier heads up they gave it 100 % and that is all we ask!

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