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Posts posted by ace2335

  1. [quote name="RaiderGirl92" post="1333887" timestamp="1353123577"]
    Still veryyyyy proud of those Vidor Pirates
    I'm not a bit!!! A one dimensional team that has fans that are very commented to their team. They rolled the high tide into the Bermuda Triangle an didn't make it out. They should've had or at least made a attempt to had a tad bit of a passing game an then maybe it would've worked outside of 20-4A. Good luck to Montana he will make a good rb somewheres. NOTICE I SAID RB AND NOTHING MORE.
  2. Vidor folks quiet tonight?! Am I surprised? Nope!! Everything happened exactly how I figured it would the two 20-4A teams getting smashed!! Well for Livingston you'll make it back in the near future just becuz you've produced athletes year in year out! Not so much for Vidor. It'll been another 10 to 15 years before you'll even see the playoffs unless the UIL peeps drop you to 3A maybe. Sorry the ship has been sunken!!!
  3. A very 1 dimensional Vidor wins if and only if Montana has a outstanding game. The hands down MVP of 20-4a. Compared to Kansas State's Collins Klien and The NFL New York Jets Tim Tebow. Not bad for a RB I must say!!  An lord forbid them to have to throw against a Summer Creek team that's on a roll. Vidor team and fans may our prayers be with you.
  4. Don't get political. The point is don't underestimate the underdog. With that being said a underdog is a underdog an despite me involving our president of the UNITED STATES my bad if it touched you TEXANS to heart. All I'm hearing this morning OBAMA this OBAMA that. Good luck this good luck that. Question are there anyone in the golden t giving the Jags the underdog a shot a beating the favorite bulldogs?
  5. Since y'all want to take it there Vidor will lose early in playoffs.... Imma say second round maybe... No better than what they done last year if they even made to the third... Second they ain't even a part of the Beaumont tradition Ozen's even luck to be part of the Beaumont Bowl now series. As a matter if fact if Ozen doesn't exist we wouldn't even be having this conversation becuz guess what we'd be in Beaumont with 2 5A teams. The Jags lost everything when they let the last coach go. Washington and staff suck at preparing the guys for high pressure football which is what we've experience down here in 4A becuz of Ozen's existence. PAM is the best team in these neck of the woods!! Not Vidor, not WOS, not Nederland, not Newton, or any other team ranked in Texas all classifications period. An although they may not get the chance to avenge a loss to Cibolo Steele. They will still be the last Southeast Texas team standing come the third round of the playoffs, not any of the teams I mentioned earlier. Definitely not any team with a QB that even compares to the same style as TIM TEBOW so sorry Vidorians no state run this year and after this one you WILL replace Lumberton at the bottom of what's know as the toughest district in TEXAS!! An you will meet Dayton and they will defeat your very grounded attack. Sorry!!!Us Jags we don't have many expectations this years due to poor coaching at least I can say I don't expect much so maybe they will pull a Westbrook like move an get a real football coach not a ex or current track coach I guess to coach our team. But hay all due respect to Washington but that good ole boy system ain't gone cut it here!!
  6. Ooh my what the final score Nederland TX did PNG even put up a fight dude really!! Call me what you want online or behind closed doors but anybody that's been keepin up with local high school football knows this wasn't close to bein the game of the week by a long shot!! If they were equal MAYBE. But it's been clear all year. That they are far from that you retard. That just one of the reasons!! But hay your team won dummy what are worried bout it for?
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