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Posts posted by ECC95

  1. [quote name="Scalp'em" post="814662" timestamp="1277501880"]
    I think I'm still kind of young, but in HS 88-92 Coach Hentschel at WB would make us do a Buckner run at the end of the day (1 1/2 miles)during two a days with all the pads on. We would then do 10-6-4's (10 100 yrd sprints, 6-60yrd, and 4-40 yrd, there and back was one)I lost alot of puke during HS football ;D Do they even do bull in the ring anymore. They use to not do it in weight class either, and at the Brook we had several 300lb linemen. I thought it was pretty tough in my day, but guys older then me had it even harder. I don't think kids now days are tougher, but for sure more exciting due to the change in offenses. With that being said, I would put our HS QB James Brown up against any of the newer QB's in the area, and our linemen would crush these kids nowdays. ANyways our days are past, and I get excited to watch these kids nowdays, and I have 3 boys I get to watch with the youngest being 3. I have alot of football to go ;D
    We did something similar to a buckner run at East Chambers back in the early 90's, only it was a mile run.  We never did the 10-6-4's but we did do the 10- 100 yrd sprints, or 20 50 yard sprints for time.  Oh how i dreaded bull in the ring.  I wasnt one of the biggest guys on the team, but i took my licks and kept on tickin.  I sure miss those days.
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