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Everything posted by NPC

  1. Here is my opinion: I think we can relate the state of the world's economy to this particular sitiuation.  All the bailouts were needed because someone was [b]GIVEN[/b] something because it was politically correct. Athletes and parents in today's time expect the samething, equal time and treatment. Unfortunatley, when these mislead kids get into the real world they want the same treatment but mom and dad can't intervene.  Point in hand, school and athletics play a key role in training our children for their future and I am not talking just academics. Adversity, challanges, failures and discontent are things that build character but some parents do not want there children to experience these things.  What happen to the day where it was prideful to just to be a part of a the team, get a uniform and [b]HAVE A CHANCE TO PLAY.[/b]  Bottom line when your child goes to work for his first time and he is not getting enough hours, working in the wrong department, feeling as if they are not being treated the same as the others they have 2 options: quit are pull up the bootstraps and grind to be noticed.  If I am not mistaking this is what used to be refered to as climbing the ladder of success.  Too many want to jump from the bottom to the top but you miss all the important steps in between.  Enough said!!!. By the way NPC stands for Never Politically Correct.
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