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Posts posted by bigred75

  1. I am with ya.................people are a little to touchy around here .............I feel like I am in the Pacific Northwest all of a sudden, everyone is in touch with their innerself, and making fun hurts peoples feelings................blah blah blah blah...........Get over it, get thicker skin.

  2. Yeah that does stink.........The hard thing to do is second guess everything you do or move ya make as a coach, you will drive yourself nuts. It was not the Bears night to win, and that is what it boils down to. They played hard, they just came up short. Everyone loses eventually unless you win it all....Monday morning quarterbacking doesn't help though.

  3. I thought it would have been higher as well.....just did not know it BH thought it would go down that way. Heck I was shocked at the BH/Central match up. I thought they would blow them outta the water. Heck I thought we would beat em too.......I guess ya never know in high school sports, do ya.

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