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Everything posted by jasper_ump

  1. I was an eye witness to the events in Jasper and Beaumont, I don't believe there is another side.
  2. The manager for Jasper 12 yr olds is suspended for the next 2 games as a result of his ejection and subsequent actions. This came out of Little League International. During a 9 yr old All-Star game between Jasper and West End He failed to show appropriate behavior  He hollered at and charged the plate umpire after a disputed play. He also ignored the penalty for the ejection by not leaving the Jasper ball park and  showing up to watch the next game held at West End. He was told to leave by the district administrator and ignored his authority to enforce the rules of Little League. I would hope that we are not in favor of behavior disregarding the authority of umpires and the rules that are in place. I for one want my children to recognize and respect authority figures not only during baseball but school, work, etc. I hope and pray that this experienced and talented coach learns some humility and learns to be a role model for the kids who are watching and listening.
  3. Jasper 9 yr olds lost 10-5. Finals will be in Beaumont on Thursday.
  4. Final Jasper 13 Hudson 6 Hudson had 8 errors, 5 in the 1st inning. Sowell threw 68 pitches, Burleson threw 80, Alvis came in to close in the 7th. Both teams hit the ball pretty well. Hudson had 3 triples
  5. I have looked through the NFHS rule book and there is no rule that I can see keeping noise makers out of the stands. I would assume a local  field authority could keep them out
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