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Posts posted by piratefan

  1. Hey gusher I am not miscontructing anything or taking anything out of context..You said it and you need to stick by what you said..

    Dont get on here and say something and then try to blame anyone else but your self..

    Why you on here bashing WOS people?.Talking about what they do..They cant say anything?

    The time has come to back up what yall have been saying...

    Dont bring other people into what you and others have been saying.

    The time has coem to back up all the talk!!!!

    I believe it went "get the glass slippers out, Lumberton is coming to raid the castle"..

    YOU said that, not ME!!

  2. I play for LCM and i can tell you that with moody as our new coach we finally got our knew offense and defense down. Last year was messed up bad because of the hurricane and we were stuck in a hole where we learning and got cut off. Now were back and ready for action so i got one thing to say to WO-S. BRING IT


    They are starting to sound like Those L-town raiders..

    Maybe they will play that Fire truck siren for yall..


  3. This morning passing by the Vidor's practice field they were out there hitting the sleds..I don't think this was a scheduled practice..

    They weren't just practicing it was like hitting the sleds and alot of fast pace (dont ever play like that again, like you did last night practice..).

    They don't even play anyone next week and they just got done playing last night..So you make the call on that one..

  4. The comparsion between BC and Vidor was meant for an example..I meant "someone" made BC a volley ball school..They just didnt become a Volleyball school from day one..

    So that meant one coach at one time made them to what they are today..

    It is just hard for me to believe towns that are very similiar and close to one another ,one produces athletes and one dont..They all have them it is the coach and the program that brings the best out in them, and brings them to there potential..

    Vidor's basketball program has athletes and it took one coach that installed a winning attitude and a whole lot of effort ,and he turned them around..the athletes are there and it will take time for the right coach to come along..

    You stated Bc has been to the playoffs for every year since 96'..A coach at that tiem has brought them to that point..God jsut dotn make athletes in certain cities and say "ok no athletes will be born in Vidor"..they are already there and it will take soemone to mold them kids into winners..

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