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Posts posted by Stangs92

  1. i am listening to the radio broadcast on the brookshire radio station and i dont know what is worse....the way the stangs offense is playing or the announcers....ok i know its a christian radio station but what is the point of broadcasting a game when they are hardly talking about the game. they have spent more time preaching and praying for EARL and the other locals in there area...they have even prayed for their rice patties at one time...its bad...and their board op keeps cutting from the game and playing music....i was a board op at klvi and we did our weekly nederland games which sucked but never cut away to pray or play another program....god it is just bad..i wish these guys would pray for a better broadcasting crew and a better board op.....if anyone wants to listen to it and cant look up 107.9 FM KQLC....man while i have been typing this they have already prayed like 10 times...its kinda funny....the only other thing i can compare them too is the totally disgusting kogt halftime with those two stupid women who call themselves thelma and louise....they are horrible also but i cant figure out who worse.

    Offense is playing that bad?

  2. I think I speak for a number of coaches in my WO-S STJFL family. If we didn't earn it on the field..... I darn sure don't want it given to me due to some paperwork! All the games we have played this year and won most very big,not one oppossing coach has worried about mpr sheets. All of them before the game said they didn't want to see it, and after the game they signed it with no problem. Never any doubt that Previs would accept responsibility and no doubt the peewee will bounce back.

  3. We know nothing was intentional PRevis. It should have been handled completely different from the parent. I feel for u and those hard working boys. Everyone does pay to play. And all the kids deserve to play but a forfeit over paperwork seems harsh for a first offense. Its a reminder to us all to keep up with it more. That's actually my main job for the jr. White on gameday. Its just a lil embarrassing that the oppossing team gets the info from a parent whose kid actually did get more than 10 plays. Keep ya heads up wos pee-wee. SUPERBOWL BOUND!!!

  4. Whats so bad is that sportsnut72 has said nothing to WOS98 about the statement. The guy it was meant for and to took it like the joke it was. No malice was meant. WOS98 is a stand up guy. Quit doing this everytime WOS beats someone. No one does this when other teams spank people. No one screams of "running up the score" until WO-S wins lopsided. Chill on it!!!! We have alot of kids that want the ball and want to score. We can only pull back so much. No coach on this team is a bad guy or a poor sport. So he said he was 17 points off. Big Deal!! We dont need a sportsmanship lesson over here.

  5. I second that  tragichippy !!!!!   I know our coaches have pulld our team back once they hit the 28 point diff,,,,,  I've heard him tell them that they are gona easy up !!!!  I dont think a team earns any respect by running up the score !! Maybe they are going for intimidation!!!      AND NO IM NOT TRYING TO STIR THE POT ,, CONGRATS ON THE WIN ,,,  I just think thats alittle much !!!! 

    Just a question here, but how do you make a team "ease up" or better yet, how do you define that? Do you kneel the ball on every offensive play? Do you tell your RB's or QB that, if they see open field, fall down? Being someone who has coached a little, I'm just wondering because there are times that you sub out kids who have never even carried the ball in a game and they even score. Sometimes, it can't be helped. I think it's a bit ridiculous to automatically throw out the "running up the score" card. Sometimes, you just have so much more talent or speed that you either score or risk further embarassment for your opponent by kneeling the ball on first, second or third downs. This happens a lot in the youth leagues where that can be a huge difference in a teams abilities.

    I'm not trying to stir the pot either, and I also don't have a child in this league, but I do read these pages all of the time and I think some folks are way to quick to throw out that a team "ran up the score".


    ned gold 21

    wos white 0


    Just for that i'm make sure i put 40 on u today sportsnut72.

    The  "running up the score" card was played by WOS98 before the game started. He then mentioned the 57 - 0 victory claiming he was off by 17 points. You may have missed that in these post.  My only comment was he should have let the score speak for itself. Did he really need to call it out?? But, like I said earlier, it's a free country and people can act like they want.

    I just posted the score. If u call that running up the score then thats u. If a team beats us by 40 or more me and my coach's gone wonder what we wrong with our game plan. If u had a chance to put 40 on Wos Jr. White u will. Like i said, we put kids in that never score a td in little league. So that tells u something (we work hard at what we do and take PROUD in it).   

    Your missing the whole point(and you didnt just post the score, you talked smack), but I have no issue in you beating a team by 100 points if you follow the rules. It's obvious you don't get it.  I guess I'm not explaining myself clearly enough, but don't know how else to say it. So, for the sake of "GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP"..........GOOD GAME WOS!

    Ok why speak on it. Until someone beat us i will have a lot to talk about. Remember we are the under dogs chasing Lumberton jr. White. 

    WOS98, congrats on your victory today. Your team has the highest scoring offense in the league. The best defense in the league. As I see it, ya'll are the front runners and the rest of the league is hoping to just keep the scores respectable whenever they play ya'll. Keep up the good work!! :) :) :) :)


    U R FULL OF IT RAIDER44!!! :D :D :D. How was ur game today? Better yet how bout them JAGS?

  6. As I understand...all games against Bmt Jr Team (both past games and future games) have been set to the score of 1-0 (I thought 2-0 would have been more approapriate).  I am not on any board, but as I understand it that is what has been done to avoid this merge affecting the playoffs like Bridge City's merge affected the playoffs last year.

    How did BC's merge affect the playoffs last year?Did they win something?

  7. I have to laugh at the poster who is saying WOS will hang 60 on Silsbee. That's funny right there I don't care who you are. ;D

    WOS can't hang 60 against Silsbee on the hardwood, much less do it on the football field. This kind of comment leaves you no credibility, Stangs92.

    Will WOS beat Silsbee? Most likely. But they will not score 60 points. The last 3 years that these two teams have played each other since dropping down to 3A, WOS has scored a combined 51 points in those 3 games. That's an average of 17 points a game, far cry from 60. I think last year's Mustang offense is better than this year's version, and they only scored 14 against Silsbee, 7 of that in overtime. They won't get 60 in one game, I'll bet any amount of money you want on that.

    First off i never named individual teams when i made the 60 point statement. Those teams in our district who are in danger of that know who they are. Never even thought that we could or would put 60 on Silsbee. And yes once again we will beat you guys. There are quite a few people posting on this website who have very little credibility. so making that statement means little to me also. WO-S is going to show u the difference between kneeling the ball and spiking it when we beat you all in October. ;):);) Take it easy Aggie!!

  8. WO-S lost fair and square. Offense has been terrible the last two games. O-line is not very good,and i don't know if it will get any better. Play calling not  completely terrible,but the discipline of the o-line is a part of the coordinators job also. So he shoulders some of the blame. We may not be quite as good as we thought we were going to be this season and that includes me. BUT............... all these teams in our district who even remotely think we are down enough to be vulnerable to them............GET REAL!!!! We are and will be the top dogs in this district for a long time. Its obvious WO-S losing makes a few of the posters really happy. But the laugh will be when we put up 60 on them in district. Let em talk Coop at least we are on their minds. ;D ;D

    I seriously doubt you put up 60 on Silsbee ::)WOS might even get beat.

    Silsbee is not near the team they have been in the past. I dont even think they are the same caliber as kirbyville or Jasper. I feel like i should be talkin frito pie recipes with u not football. When we whip Silsbee i'll be lookin for u.

  9. WO-S lost fair and square. Offense has been terrible the last two games. O-line is not very good,and i don't know if it will get any better. Play calling not  completely terrible,but the discipline of the o-line is a part of the coordinators job also. So he shoulders some of the blame. We may not be quite as good as we thought we were going to be this season and that includes me. BUT............... all these teams in our district who even remotely think we are down enough to be vulnerable to them............GET REAL!!!! We are and will be the top dogs in this district for a long time. Its obvious WO-S losing makes a few of the posters really happy. But the laugh will be when we put up 60 on them in district. Let em talk Coop at least we are on their minds. ;D ;D

  10. There was a thread a while back on the seniors but I guess it was deleted for some reason.       

                                  Senior scores

        WOS ------18               PNG White ---- 6       Ned Black ---31

        PNG purple- 0                Little Cypress - 0       Bridge City - 0

        I hope these are correct, anyone have any other scores

    Who are the top teams in the Senior division?  I have seen WO-S play. Just wondering who the top other squads are.

  11. WOS White 27 - 0 vs. PNG White

    New Indian i guess u have been ban from this website. ??? ??? ???. What do u have to say about Wos Jr. White keeping you'll at a goose egg yesterday. ;D ;D ;D ;D. Nothing i hope, just keep laying low until next season. : ;) ;)

    NEVER, still here aint never going away, all i can say is my son did his job got into the backfield despite being double teamed, got blindsided once and is still P.O.d about that, but he got his wish got a muddy game. I know yall are feeling it there was some hard hitting going on

    BTW; whos the refs related to on yalls side?  ;D ;D ;D ???

    Come on now NewIndian. Being in the back of our running back does not mean he was in the backfield. Dude you are funny. The Ref was definitely not our friends. They yelled at us all game about moving back off the sidelines. All you ever say is your kid did his job. After the Lumberton loss it wasn't your boys fault. We win as a team and lose as a team over here brother. Bigd95,wos98,td, CD,Q,and Mavis treat mine just as their own and vice versa. If #44 isn't saying i did my job,or it wasn't my fault.....then NO ONE on PNG WHITE can say that!!!! Then again if i only got 10 plays......i might feel like its not my fault either.Holla!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) :P :P :P

  12. Well,well,well. WO-S Junior White did it again. 25-0!! Well played game.Rain hampered the offenses but it was a hard hitting affair. I tell ya what though. I dont want to play on anymore fields without an actual scoreboard or visual clock. Our first half was about 40 minutes long. Second half was about 15 minutes total. 4th quarter was a running clock. Referee said he ran the clock to beat the rain ??? ??? ??? ???. Whatever!!! With the points against rule affecting the playoffs in this division that should NEVER be the refs call.

    SPORTSNUT72........quit pickin with your heart!!!

  13. NDN79 your ranking looks good if you swap 1 & 10.

    Vidor has already handled WOS scrimmage or not.

    I don't know if Vidor can go undefeated with the teams they play on the

    road this year, but they will beat PNG at the Reservation!


    1. Vidor                           5. Livingston

    2. Central                        6.  LCM

    3. Nederland                     7. PNG

    4. Lumberton                    8. Ozen

    Man is it me or has the WO-S scrimmage completely gone to Vidor's head? It started out where i was feeling like it would be neat for Vidor to win district since they NEVER win . But now im like anybody but Vidor please take it. Some of these posters are ridiculous.Go Bears,ndns,panthers,dawgs,raiders,lions.....anybody but the pirates! ::)

  14. WO-S has got to learn to put teams away. Score should have been much worse.Why do we go to the extra pitches and "trick" type plays when the basics were working? We could have run the ball and gone deep all night. Franks head just seems to be gone. Effort to recover botched punt seemed very lazy.He even passed up a sure pick just to get a big unneccessary lick on an LC-M receiver.Good game Bears....but not ready for showtime yet!!!!


    Whateva!!! WO-S Junior white 21-20 over.........WO-S Junior White!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D


    yall both crazy it gonna be our our white team in the bowl ony thing is i dont know wit who yet  ::) wos or lumberton who knows

    WO-S White wont beat png white. We are gonna demolish PN-G white. And as for Nederland White........i gotta ask around. I havent heard anyone talkin about u guys yet. ;D ::) ;D

  16. Can't compare scrimmages!!!! Coaches don't prepare for scrimmages!!!!! Found that out first hand Friday Night.

    Coop explain this for me please? Are you saying that Vidor is not as good as you thought? Or WOS is better than you thought? Help me with this.  ???

    From what I've seen in some of Coop's earlier posts, when WO-S loses a scrimmage then it no longer matters ... so much for building of the team, technique, offensive playcalling, defensive playcalling, tweaking of routes, etc...

    I think scrimmages are important for ALL of this. What do you think, Pirate For Life?

    COOP COOP COOP let the Pirates make it. If the scrimmage meant that much to them then it sums up what the state of their program is. The real problem from us WO-S fans was losing to Vidor was the equivalent of letting Vinton whip us. Thats why it bothers us sooooo bad. They won the scrimmage. Give it to them coop. Tell them they are 2-0 on the season. When we are 3 weeks into the postseason and they have been home resting for a few weeks THEN we can let them have it!! oh yeah....good luck pirates.

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