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Everything posted by jumpstart

  1. Gee whiz!  Could somebody take the high road here and stop it already?
  2. Really.  Should the rest of the team even show up?
  3. To Sonnier and Schlett:  I hope that the comment from SportsTeam1 will not discourage you if in fact you are hoping to play ball at the next level.  People of character and common decency are the kind of people you want to impress.  SportsTeam1 has indicated by his post that he is lacking in both of those areas.  It never looks good to put down some in order to promote others.  It's a red flag to the maturity level of that person and it probably wouldn't benefit you much if you did impress him.  Both of you are excellent ball players and have made positive impressions on many people, not only in sports, but in the kind of young men you are becoming.  It's too bad that someone felt the need to make such a tacky  comment, but I believe that you, Sonnier and Schlett are big enough men to overcome one person's poor judgment.  GO DOGS!
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