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Posts posted by numbertwo

  1. Can people just accept that Tiger Woods is human, and that nobody is perfect? Jack Nicklaus missed 6 cuts in between his first and last major win.  Yeah, he was the overwhelming favorite, but by people's standards.  He never played Turnberry before Sunday and he hasn't played links golf in two years.  Tiger does outshine everybody in the world talent-wise, but course knowledge and preparation also help, a lot.

    Just my two cents, and go Sergio! 

  2. today was his 68th career PGA title, putting him only 5 behind Jack on the career list.  he also has 36 wins on the European tour.  Jack had 0.  Tiger is only 33 years old.  Jack won 28 titles after he turned 33, so i'd say that Tiger's well ahead of his pace.  It's also worth mentioning that Tiger skips many, many tournaments a year, which means he'd probably already be well ahead of Jack if he chose to play even a slightly fuller schedule.  he also trains like a world class athlete, so i think he'll be effective and on top of his game far longer than Jack was, barring some unseen catastrophe.

    The European Tour started recognizing the U.S. majors in 1998 for it's schedule and money, and then  the WGC events when they came into existence in 1999.  Tiger has won 14 majors, 15 WGC events, and only 7 "true" European tour events.  Just clearing that up for you.

    P.S. Wikipedia is amazing.

  3. i think the best second baseman in this district is lalonde from HF 0- fielding errors on the year batted 385 in district i think mathews should be utility or moved to third.

    I know of one error he had. Can any of you guess?

    It was definitely a 4-6-3 double play, not E4-4-6-3. 

    Did the ball not land in his glove and then fall to the ground. Was he not moving. So easy of a catch a T-baller could have made it. No matter what the intention, it is an E.

    You are correct on three out of those four sentences.  The thing is he still got two outs in stead of having two men on.  It appeared that the Silsbee second basemen took notes on how to drop pop ups...if you want to play that game.

    OK so he took a couple of steps. No game being played here. Now, if you can keep up we are talking about errors on a certain second baseman. Not how many outs was made, nor are we talking about anyother second baseman. Just this one. Now let me get you up to speed. It was said that he had no errors, which is false. If he wanted an error free game he would have caught the ball, he did not he dropped the ball which is an error and in doing so two outs were made. So, try to stay on task about this certain second baseman and try not to drag other players in to make you fill better.

    It doesn't go into the books as an error, so therefore it is not an error.  Learn the game before you speak =].

    OK, is it because he recovered the dropped ball and made an out? I'm thinking that might be the only way an error would not be recorded.

    I'm pretty sure I've been saying that for the past 3 posts?

  4. i think the best second baseman in this district is lalonde from HF 0- fielding errors on the year batted 385 in district i think mathews should be utility or moved to third.

    I know of one error he had. Can any of you guess?

    It was definitely a 4-6-3 double play, not E4-4-6-3. 

    Did the ball not land in his glove and then fall to the ground. Was he not moving. So easy of a catch a T-baller could have made it. No matter what the intention, it is an E.

    You are correct on three out of those four sentences.  The thing is he still got two outs in stead of having two men on.  It appeared that the Silsbee second basemen took notes on how to drop pop ups...if you want to play that game.

    OK so he took a couple of steps. No game being played here. Now, if you can keep up we are talking about errors on a certain second baseman. Not how many outs was made, nor are we talking about anyother second baseman. Just this one. Now let me get you up to speed. It was said that he had no errors, which is false. If he wanted an error free game he would have caught the ball, he did not he dropped the ball which is an error and in doing so two outs were made. So, try to stay on task about this certain second baseman and try not to drag other players in to make you fill better.

    It doesn't go into the books as an error, so therefore it is not an error.  Learn the game before you speak =].

  5. i think the best second baseman in this district is lalonde from HF 0- fielding errors on the year batted 385 in district i think mathews should be utility or moved to third.

    I know of one error he had. Can any of you guess?

    It was definitely a 4-6-3 double play, not E4-4-6-3. 

    Did the ball not land in his glove and then fall to the ground. Was he not moving. So easy of a catch a T-baller could have made it. No matter what the intention, it is an E.

    You are correct on three out of those four sentences.  The thing is he still got two outs in stead of having two men on.  It appeared that the Silsbee second basemen took notes on how to drop pop ups...if you want to play that game.

  6. HF "Slipped up" and "over-looked" WO-S? Why is it so hard for some people to just admit that they got beat? I was at the game and the better team won the game and actually should have won by more runs than they did. WO-S was dominate on the mound, defense and hitting. Those are facts, look at the box score. Nobody handed WO-S the victory, they took it! Yes teams do have bad games but this was not one of those situations. HF played a good baseball game but just lost to a team that played better- plain and simple.

    Did WO-S have an off day when they lost 10-1?  Actually, WO-S didn't dominate with the bats, they had 5 hits, and two unearned runs.  Not total domination, but enough to win the game on that particular night.  Two unearned runs hands you a victory when you win 2-1.

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