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Everything posted by star2010!

  1. that would be vidor or lumberton that has the solid midfield.
  2. well im sorry for saying that ok. but we will see when jasper play hj and see who can give up more goals. :)
  3. next time you watch jasper play look for the goalie and number 12. they keep the defence together.
  4. in the 3A to me it would be jasper. they middle is good. and they have two strong playes on they team they goalie and they right defeince player they both play hard and they know what they are doing.
  5. HJ- come on man how many games have they won? they play cheap.
  6. Yes that is right they do give up to many goals.but if they could play right i think they could have number one.but it's to late for that.
  7. to me it would be jasper they middle is stong and they right but they left is weak. they just need to play ever game hard.
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