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Everything posted by grizz3

  1. I've been going to the State Tourney for the past 20 years or so and the other day someone asked me if there has been a #3 seed from a district to make the State Tourney. I don't remember any, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been any. Anybody got any that come to mind?
  2. Judging from what I have read, Wise is a bit one-dimensional. If his team only knows one way to play and that is to press the whole game, he is not preparing any of them for basketball after high school. How many teams in D-1 actually press? Of those, how many is the press their primary way of scoring? These kids college coaches are going to have their work cut out for them in teaching man defense. Also, who likes to coach when you are up by that much? There can't be much coaching going on after it seems halfway through the first quarter. Don't get me wrong, Wise seems to be an extrememely good coach of teaching how to press, but after that...
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