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Posts posted by Dottie

  1. Vidor was and is too good to go out in the first round. They had a bad game that night and had some seriously bad calls made against them that hurt them both in the game and in their heads. It was a rough game. 

    Vidor still has the "bullet" .. for the most part the team is still the same group of girls. They only lost 3 seniors last year... one of those wasn't a starter. So the team should still be strong this year and ready to go to playoffs.

  2. With league, if they have a softball league in your town she has to register with that league.. if there's not a league in your town as in say Lumberton or Mauriceville she can play for any league in the district. If you have any questions about the leagues in this district you can contact the District 39 reps and they can give you all the info you need. Also there is a rule about "A" ball and League ball. District 39 made a rule a few years ago that prohibits "A" girls from also playing on league teams and basically being "ringers" and of course ASA has rules about it as well.

    Most of the select teams will be posting open practices and tryouts shortly for the fall season.
  3. The joke for most is that Softball IS church.. because when you play select you pretty much do nothing but play softball.. even Jennie Finch talks about how her family vacations were softball trips. I personally think 7 is too young for select.. my daughter's old pitching coach who played league, select, college and now professionally in Germany told us not to do it until she was at least 12 due to the "burn out" factor. We started when she was 10 but we did worry about the burn out factor. So far at 14 she still loves it. The only time she came close to burning out was when we first started select and she was still in league so for a short time she was doing both. It was just too much. She was literally practicing or playing every day of the week just about and she was close to ready to quit by the time the season ended. Other than that brief time she's had no problems. But when you play select the team has to be a priority. Some Sundays you won't play but on the ones you do .. she needs to be there. It's all about what the commitment to the team/game is.
  4. Raven Britt (#13) who has played third base and pitcher for the GT Shockers 99 is looking for some pick up games possibly more if it's a good fit but definitely pick ups. You can contact us at 409-659-4595. Extremely strong 3rd base.. seldom does anything get by her. Also a power hitter.. Beaumont, Houston or Louisiana teams..

    Can email video of her hitting, pitching and fielding 3rd base if you like. Just call or email me [email protected]
  5. This is the ASA rule on it:
    Rule 3, Section 1H Altered Bat: The official bat shall not be an altered bat. The distribution of weight and length of the bat shall remain fixed at the time of manufacturing and may not be altered in any way thereafter, except otherwise specifically provided in Rule 3, Section 1 or as specifically approved by the ASA. Inserting material inside the bat, or painting a bat other than the top for identification purposes are examples of altering a bat. Laser marking for ID purposes is not considered an altered bat. Engraving ID marking on the barrel end of a metal bat is considered an altered bat. Approved bats shall not be rolled, shaved or modified to change their characteristics from that produced by the manufacturer and shall be considered an altered bat.

    So yes, a rolled bat would be an illegal altered bat.
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