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  1. I have figure out a way for each school dstrict to save money each year.  Since the players parents know so much about who should be starting and playing, lets let each parent of the players coach one season.  They are so quick to blame the coach and start complaining to the school board about getting rid of the coach, let them coach.  Some of these parents have not dealt with reality.  Some think they have the next Alex Rodriquez when in reality they dont even have an athlete.  Just beacuse your kid owns a bat and glove and can catch a ball when it is thrown directly toward thm, they think that is an athlete. Team players dont care about their individual playing time but contribute in whatever manner they can to help the TEAM do well.  It is ashamed that some meddling parents have to destroy an entire sports program because their child who does have an athletic bone in their body didnt get to start.  Wake up school boards and quit letting the parents cause you to make stupid decisions.  That it what you are paid to do. I am sure it happens all over the country but it is sad when a great coach coming of a banner year has a bad next season and the parents get him fired bacause their NO TALENT child didnt get to play.  GET OUT THERE PARENTS!!  YOU COACH THE TEAM!!
  2. The players that walked off in the middle of the game against Wareen should never be allowed to ever play sports again.  That's not the way to embarrass yourselves and their school.  if they had a problem with the coach and his decisions, they should have finished the game and then spoke with the coach in private about their issues.  Walking off the field not only embarassed them but their school as well.  Has the day come when parents are encouraging their children that if something happens that you don't agree with you should just quit?  Well all that I can say is they will have a lengthy employment record because they are going to have bosses that are going to make them mad and they will just walk off the job.  These students have to learn.  There will be people they will encounter the rest of their lives that will make them mad and disapoint them. They have to learn to deal with them.
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