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Everything posted by balla14

  1. I was just curious as to why they have the rule if 90% of coaches do it anyway. It amazes me that there is a rule in place and people knowingly do not follow. How is that fair to the 10% that follow the rules? I honestly could care less just wondering what would happen if these schools started to get reported...there would be some unhappy folks...and why?? it is against the rules..just as if you get caught speeding..how many of you gladly take the ticket..not many
  2. So if it is "ok" for the coaches to do this then why does the UIL make it ILLEGAL for this to happen. I think your "excuse" of dads screwing things up can be said for every sport. The bottom line is that it is illegal (against the rules) and should not be happening. The coach, coaches, and school should be held accountable to the rule and accept the consequences if they do not.
  3. I'm just curious as the rest to see what happens with districts 19 and 20 4A. Seems to be questions on how a tie will work out and there seemed to be some certainty in the scenario of BH winning against Crosby. Any info would be nice!
  4. Somebody know something the rest of us don't? Please share.
  5. I do not think that this topic was to upset the "best region in football from top to bottom." It was just stated that Brownwood has not been slowed this year. As far as Shipley I am sure he has benefitted from his brothers success and time spent at t.u and not to mention he has one of the best current head coaches as a dad. Bc he definitely not all hype. Go at shipley like IP tried to and you might see 80 on the other side of the scoreboard. If you look at the teams that burnet lost to, you will find the everman squad was definitely not the underdog in that game. And burnet came out of region 4 in those yrs....
  6. I definitely would agree with that. Brownwood is returning to the form that it once was. If you have not watched film or seen games of them, I might keep from making statements about all you have to do is shut down shipley. Yes he may be their biggest threat but they have many more waiting for their opponents to take your course "in shutting down shipley" mentality. Plus you would have to onside kick it everytime, punt away from him, work the other side of the defense, and put 3 of the 11 defenders you have on him. I think you would have better luck in asking to play with more guys on the field than doing all that ;) With all that being said they handled Stephenville pretty easily who is predicated to win some postseason games at the 4A level. There are some good football teams in this area that will possibly have a chance at brownwood if they both make it. There is good football being played outside of this area. That is what makes this time of year so great. The best from each region get to square off and may the best team on that night advance. Good luck to all still in the hunt!
  7. I am curious as to what the teams in district 19/20 4A are doing this offseason and fall to prepare them for the rigor off the two districts and then the journey through region 3. Many people get on here proclaiming many different things in the spring but I believe that it is hard for teams to compete at an elite level to contend with Brenham for a state birth if they: #1 do not have a baseball driven offseason program #2 play some kind of fall ball schedule...so what is everyone doing?? Who is putting in the time and effort this offseason?? Curious...
  8. Just like with anything else...the school gets out what they put into it (ultimately hurting the kids and the program)...this problem isn't only dayton's but many throughout the state...if you want to be competitive in baseball it needs to be treated like any other sport...as far as an off season goes not to mention other things... i am sure BrenhamFan can fill us in on what it takes...
  9. First of all we are talking about junior high athletes lifting weights. How many junior high athletes actually benefit physically from lifting weights in the first place? I understand that you want to implement your program and that is fine but to form, technique, and tempo in my opinion. Another thing is that coaches (outside of baseball and basketball) do not see any problems with pressing heavy weight above your head and taking lifts past 90 degrees. Another objection is are these workouts the same that are done during football season? Highly doubt it...I agree with lifting in-season but to complement that sport...
  10. I am not saying that 165 is not alot of pitches and that it should be done everyday but you have to look at the pitch count as just a number and [u]somewhat[/u] of an indicator on how long a pitcher should stay out there. There is ongoing research that is saying that more players are having arm problems because their arms are not conditioned to throw more than 80 pitches every 7th day. You should look at what I am assuming their coach did. Big good looking kid, not too hot and not too cold, there were no big/long innings that would require him to throw that many pitches in ONE inning (if he did throw 165 that would be about 18 pitches an inning...not bad), and the kid was still very effective. At the first sign of the kid getting tired (ball was up and the next pitch was in the dirt) he came out. Props to the kid...for getting it done...and their coach for letting his big dog hunt (i would not imagine that he would risk a kid's time at the next level since he has been there...just a little bit from what i hear)...Smesney on the other hand would have a high pitch count, remain out there, and this would occur on a daily basis..big difference fellas
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