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Posts posted by Piratediehard

  1.   Well said Comeaux and Piratefan, Like I said in my previous post that Youth football is for the kids, I appreciate the opportunity to be able to coach these young men and the ONLY reason I devote my time is because of them. I stick by my opinion on the subject of trying to run up the score with 2 minutes left in a game, and that coaches should be held responsible for there actions. I think the only reason for someone to do this is to FUEL there Ego. So I going to let this subject rest and climb under the BOULDER with Comeaux and Piratefan. ;D

  2. Hey 83, Im not talking about calling the dogs off, what im saying there were less than 2 minutes in the game Why would you take a shot down the field and run a reverse? You are winning by 20, run the clock out and go home. What does it prove to put 6 more on the scoreboard?  Like I said in my previous post, its for the kids not for the coaches egos. What goes around comes around..... X 10.

  3.     1st team or second team it dont matter, the fact is there, were less than 2 minutes on the clock, they were leading by 20 and they take a shot down field and then the next play run a reverse ??? I was amazed at the  disrespect not because we were losing but for the kids, at the coaches meeting all "someone" preached about was "its for the kids" now this cowardly act is not for the kids, put the shoes on your feet.  Im also a believer in what comes around goes around this is not the first year that Silsbee has done this, they did it last year in the JR. division. Im not trying to take anything away from the Silsbee kids they played very good and were the better team that day, but to the coaches what goes around comes around. 

  4. We have plenty of  parking too. Our stadium is on campus not on the other side on town you just have to know were to go. As far as throwing rocks that is a true statement! The kids from the condos were waiting outside our bus and started throwing rocks at us and then ran away. That was before they started parking the buses Inside the fence by the field house.

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