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  1. I have watched Caleb Stork for sometime now and he is an awesome receiver. Caleb has great hands, strategically places himself open, and reliable to score a touchdown. Once he was placed on the punt return I was excited to see that for him. I was at the Galena Park game on Friday when Caleb broke his collar bone and must admit I was sadden to think I couldn't watch him play any longer. However, I called his family to check on him and his surgery went well and he said he would be back for the last game, if not the playoffs and I must admit I was thrilled to hear that. I can only hope that BH coaches can start looking at the potential they have on the field and start winning the games, and make it to the playoffs. BH coaches need to update the players stats and get their names out. Caleb and the other receivers like Wade Duke, and Carter Smith could have more yards, if they would stop running that poor quarterback like he was a running back. Looking forward to Caleb Stork's return this season. Besides, have you ever seen all the people in the stands that wear a "Stork 21" shirt? It is a sight to see. Good luck Caleb Stork. A BH fan
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