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Posts posted by raiderhardball

  1. Barbers Hill

      CF-Heath Padgett

      C--Jake Ponder

      2b--Cody Clifton   

      ss/c-- Tony Carmona

      1b-Alex Rocha

      OF--Kolby Henscey

    SS/c- Tony Carmona,

    i remember playin this kid in little leauge and you could tell then that boy would play some college ball and this was at like age 15. I can still remember the impressive stats of him going 20-21 in the tourney with i believe 2 bombs and god knows how many RBI. For all the others i'm not sure... be a really good team if they truely have that many.

  2. In the words of the late, great Johnny Cash "I here the train a coming...... ":)

    Keep Rollin L-Train

    Good Luck

    you know that gives me a great idea... i'm going to try and right a song about the MIGHTY L-TRAIN of course i will be using words of the great Johnny Cash but if he knew these boys he would be fine with it. i'll post it if i come up with a good one.

  3. dont get me wrong im happy for him and everything....i just think that were making to big of a deal of this to far down the road....i dont even think he pitched that many games for his shoulder to be tired????

    you have got to be kidding me. i mean do you think the only time the boy threw this year was just for the RedSox. he got their  by pitching his butt off in the minors. you obviously know nothing about the sport of baseball. Clay is going to be a great player and i'm looking forward to watching him be a starter next season.

  4. If Smiley is anything like the last time i went to see them play then they are very undisciplined, have alot of speed, but can only run the ball.

    no discipline in the playoffs and YOU WILL get to roll out the basketballs early.  ;)

    i agree discipline is a big part of a football team. And after being great friends with these raiders if there is one thing they have other than talent it is great discipline. i have never known a more hardworking, motivated group of young men in my life. you say do a set of ten, and they do ten and then one more. Usually you tell a teen to work out and they cheat their way through it. not these boys. go raiders.

    o and i got RAIDERS by 14.


  5. Boston Red Sox - Extra Bases - Red Sox blog - Boston.comIt looks like he'll oppose Sox prospect Clay Buchholz Wednesday in Trenton. ... NEW YORK - Will Roger Clemens show up as a spectator tonight? ...

    www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/extras/extra_bases/ - May 22, 2007 - Similar pages

    wow thanks man... everyone needs to read this. if you go down to where it talks about francona it says where he is talking about clay. it goes on to say that when Roger Clemens pitched his return game in the minors francona started Clay against him... WOW. Good old Lumberton Boy going against a great. Thanks for that link ;D 8) :o

  6. yes l-town is going to be running a entirely different defence. and like it was said even the defencive line is fast i'm not sure if 4.9 is accurate but i know they are all in the low 5's at least if not all under 4.9. I know this next season wont be a OUTSTANDING one but i think L-Town will surprise some people.... and who knows maybe even the playoffs this year 8) 8) :o

  7. I thought Lumberton only had one freshman that was on vasity?????

    Throughout the year lumberton only had 1 freshman STARTER, which was corey lemaire, but they also had hunter howden and tyler wilson both varsity throughout the year. both only played in a few games though.

    Just to clear things up lumberton only had corey on varsity. both wilson and howden only played one game on varsity and that was for pitching reasons. but both have a good shot this year to be on varsity throughout the year.

  8. ok its time for a student to step in and tell both of you to shut up!!!!!!!

    It's bad enough that a vidor fan talk smack, but for a lumberton parent to talk smack and make us look bad. no i dont think soo!!! so from me and every other student in lumberton high school. please shut up. you are the kind of person that gives us the bad name that we have. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:

  9. hey ltownstunner, you need to hush up a little you are giving people from lumberton a bad name that we are known for. yea they may be dogging us. but there is nothing you can do about it but shut up. i'm from lumberton and a student at lumberton high. and the last thing we need is a parent or another student giving us a bad reputation. i can understand where your coming from but dont make a bad situation worse.

    raider football all the way...

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