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  1. BC by a milestone. Its our Homecoming, ang HJ hasnt beaten us yet in district play.
  2. well i said it earlier in the week, and ill say it again . .BC can win without Johnny, and they did. I commend Cody Mills for his performance last night. EXCELLENT! BTW, he is a Jr. District Play starts next Friday, and we have our work cut out for us. p.s. - Great Job defense, really picked it up this week and showed some great skill.
  3. ok . .lol . .maybe i over exaggerated . .we will need Dishon, but i think with the other talent we have, we dont need him playing every position except lineman on the field . .let Bolton and Mills return Punts and kickoffs . .Johnny would definetly be a lot better off not doing those things. Also, i still firmly believe that Cody Mills needs to get more touches, so he can prove his strength and abilitly for the team, and i believe it will lead to some good results.
  4. sorry if i offended anybody, but the main point of that post was to find out whether or not the game was being televised LIVE THAT NIGHT, and to shine light on Cody Mills, he is extremely talented and deserves to get the ball more often, i dont believe we have to have Johnny to win District, i believe he is a big factor, but BC can beat opponents without him, and we could possibly win district without him playing as often. Johnny is not the team, and will never be the team, we need to see the other side of this and look at the fact that the linemen dont get enough support, or does the defense, which needs to work on pass defense, but they are doing well for such a young squad.
  5. I have heard that the game will be televised live from Bulldog Stadium on Time Warner Channel 7. Is there any truth to this?? As far as our chances go . .we will win this one by a small margin, but my biggest concern is the fact that the coaches at BC dont realize how much talent Cody Mills has, and how much of an influence he could be on offense, STOP GIVING JOHNNY THE BALL EVERY PLAY. It's rediculous, and uncalled for. Coach Bolton, the new Offensive Coordinator, needs to get some more plays that dont include Johnny fumbling the ball, or just flat out running it . .Give ball to Cody, he'll do well for you.
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