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Posts posted by Newtonjb

  1. .....but I don't think they will ever beat Newton.

    Newton refused to play the past two years, so we will just never know how that would have turned out...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yo Bucfan, You can flap your gums about the last two years all that you please, But 42(Newton) 7 (East Chambers) Sure Enough Answers The Question For 2008; Does'nt It? You Can't Change The Past; So Move On.
  2. ECBUCFAN And BUCSTER: Well you got the Eagles at home and the results were the same as 2004 and 2005. Really looking forward to seeing you again in 2009, at our house, what about you guys? The Buccaneers Showed up and gave all they could, Congrats to the Players and Coaching staff for never quiting, Heart is a hard thing to measure, it will carry you a long way. Good Luck to the Buccaneers for the rest of the season and the playoffs. Bucfan, Bucster; Backwoods asked Me to let you know that You need to Get Over It; those Sourgrapes will do you in everytime.

  3. Anyone think that ECBucFan and Bucster might still be Stinging from the fact that The Newton Eagles were only in their district for two(2) years and took away the District Title that they had been laying claim to, Both Years, on the way to Two(2) State Title Games: which Ended Up Netting One(1) State Runner Up and One(1) State Title. As Far As I Know, No-One Here In Newton Has Called Out The Buc's Coach For Being A Coward: and I Think That We Eagles Fans Feel That The Bucs Are A Hard Working Group Of Talented Players; We Are However Tired Of Reading The Rambling Of A Couple Of Poor Sports That Are Only Trying To Start Trouble Between Two(2) Groups Of Young Men {Most Of Which Have Never Met}: Just To See If They Can Turn This Up Coming Game Into Some Kind Of Personal Grudge Match. EC / Bucster Cool Your Jets And Let The Players Do What They Do Best; Which Is Playing Their Game and Not Yours. My Hope Is That It Is A Great Game and That Everyone On The Field That Night Goes Home Healthy and Proud Of What They Have Accomplished. I Do However Believe That Newton Will Win. Please Respect The Players, They Are The Only Ones That Count.

  4. tatum gonna spank newton's azz.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yo Bucster, Seein' As How You Don't Have An E.C. Game To Go To, That Means That You'll Be Free To Come And Watch Your 2004 And 2005 District Champs; Oh By The Way The 2004 State Finalist As Well As The 2005 State Champs. That Wasn't Below The Belt; Was It? See You At The Game. The Newton Eagles Are Movin' On.
  5. Yep and their defense is just as solid as them tracks your L-train rollin on!! lol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Don't Sell The Newton Eagles Short, They Won't Lay Down And Die For Anyone. Defense Is As Tough As It Gets And The Offense Is Hot In The Air And On The Ground. I Know That Tatum Has An A-Game, Newton Will Show Up With Their's. Don't Write Them Off Just Yet. Barbay Rules.
  6. Yo Balla, Be Careful What You Wish For; Newton Has Won Three State Titles And Has A Win/Loss Ratio Of 8 to 1 Over The Wildcats. Newton Fans Always Pull For The Wildcats To Do Well And If K-Ville Does Come Down To 2A, We Will Look Forward To That Game. You Can Talk All The Trash That You Like And So Can I, But Until That Game Is Actually Played That's All It Is; Trash Talk. Let's Let It Rest Until The Young Men That Really Do all The Work Get A Chance To Decide It On The Field. The Players Are The Ones That Earn The Right To Talk By Doing The Sweating And Bleeding Everyday Of The Season. I'm Sure That Both Teams Will Ready, If And When It Happens. Good Luck Wildcats For The Rest Of your Season. Eagles Rule

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