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Posts posted by johnnyreb

  1. After watching last nights game, I am gonna go with Evadale on this one. #5 for Colmesneil is quick and hits the hole very hard, but H-I did very well at filling the gap and keeping him inside. Colmesneil can air it out as can Evadale. If the Rebels secondary can control the pass I know the front can fill the gaps and this is what I think will win the game for Evadale. Ok Rebs its almost Monday and time to go to work. Show everyone why your not overated and why your record is 9-0.
  2. 10 more days to go plus Evadale will get the chance to see Colmesneil play. Knowing Coach Will, I'm sure he would have much rather had a game to play Friday night, but I'm also sure that he will use this time to prepare. Evadale players will know every Colmesneil players position, their routes, their name, their nickname, their pets name, address, etc. Ha Ha Ha. Maybe not all that stuff but most of it. If Colmesneil wins against H I, it is gonna be a winner take all brawl to the end on Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 at 7:30 pm at Rebel Stadium if the Good Lords willing and the creek dont rise
  3. [b]19-13 and 15-0. What are these numbers?[/b]
    These are the scores of Colmesneil vs West Hardin and Evadale vs West Hardin
    I have said it on another post and I'm gonna say it again. Evadale plays good enough to win. When they NEED a score the offense will fight to get it and then relax a bit as long as the defense is working. When the Rebs see that the other team may be getting close to a score (meaning the defense is getting a little tired of playing defense), the offense will step it back up. Evadale is not here to run the score up. They are here to win. Based on the scores, I believe that Colmesneil tried everything they could to put points on the board and ended up with 19 while Evadale done just enough to stay ahead. Colmesneil allowed 13 points while Evadale allowed 0. I may be wrong, but I sure hope not. We'll see in 2 weeks anyways.
  4. [quote name="83_Alumni" post="684692" timestamp="1256358736"]
    Rebs still not playing to full potential, but pitch another shut out. Keep working, Congrats on the W!
    [/quote] You said it right. After watching last nights game I honestly believe that the rebels are playing just good enough to win. They are not looking to blow anyone out. When they need points the offensive line will make a hole you can drive a truck through and we got the runners that can get there. After they get the score they seem to relax a little bit on offense as long as the defense is taking care of business. Once the Rebels see the opponent getting close to some points, the offense will step it back up. Maybe this is why the Rebels can play a full four quarter football game without wearing down. Congrats Rebs and keep working hard!
  5. [quote name="trophyman" post="682657" timestamp="1256175754"]
    i hope no one takes this wrong i consider myself a great Rebel fan but if they don't
    get charged up and start playing their kind of football one of these last teams will spoil that perfect season
    guys you have the talent and the know how now put your heart into it i know we have some great players
    hurt but this is your season for the taking lets go get it

    [u][glow=red,2,300][color=blue][b][size=18pt]R E B E L S              A R E              G R E A T[/size][/b][/color][/glow][/u]
    [/quote] You hit the nail on the head. The rebs need to pick it back up like we know they can and bring that intensity back to the field
  6. Colmesneil may end up being the team to beat. I am true to my Rebs as many other posters are. But it hurts me to say that in my opinion Evadale has been struggling somewhat. They start every game with a lot of intensity and then seem to slack off. I seen it against H-D and tonight as well. I dont mean any disrespect to any other teams, but Evadale should have had a 30 point plus game against H-D and again tonight. Please dont take me wrong H-I or H-D. You played very well, but Evadale had every opportunity to score, but just seemed to slack off. With that said Come on Rebs and dig down deep and find that intensity we all know you have.

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