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Salt n Pepper

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Everything posted by Salt n Pepper

  1. The players formed the team THEMSELVES. The coaches did not call and "recruit" them. They found the coaches and formed the team OBVIOUSLY because they weren't happy with the coaching and the team they had before. The actual season is what matters the most and if this is what they want, why not?! oh right... because they are "prima donna ball players that evidently weren't catered to the way they wanted".. I forgot I thought it was just doing what they thought was best for the high school team. YES next years high school team. As you said they are "extremely talented" and can help teach the underclassmen the ropes! PLUS they'll get work in before college. The underclassmen know what they are getting into but thanks for the warning. Acceptable-YES Honorable-Probably not
  2. Hey I'm a player on this team. I am one of the underclassmen and I am making this choice to get better. I have never played A ball before this and it's giving me the chance to grow individually and with me team. Whatever happens, happens... you can't do anything about it. It was our choice and you can't harp on it. More than half of the players were free agents. We are playing to get better and we can make our own decisions. No one else can make for us. And the real immaturity in this is the fifty year old men who are harping on this and fighting about this like little kids. It's over and done with we are no longer free agents. "Doing this to get better for ourselves may seem selfish but it's not all about giving, sometimes you got to take" -Ben Dover
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