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  1. LOOKS LIKE WE BROUGHT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a good game. Garza is everything for Lumberton.
  2. lol wow i remember that lol wonder what that scout is thinking now.....
  3. Clay Buchholz was awarded Pitcher of the year for the whole boston organization tonight at fenway before the game!!!! WOO HOO GRATZ CLAY
  4. Oh ya thats right 4 of these people on here are related to me....talent runs in tha family baby!!!! HAHA
  5. ill go with clay BUCHHOLZ (thats how you spell it right btw) since he was prob the fastest kid to ever come outta lumberton running a 4.32 40 (now runs a 4.24) and he could of gone any where for football but he stuck with baseball...i would to if i could throw a 97 mph fastball lol
  6. i think that lumberton will suprise dayton in the up coming game...im not sayin we are going to win or trash talking i just think that they might underestimate a little to much...
  7. Dont count us out on this one, dayton might be good but they dont got tha RAIDA SPIRIT!!!
  8. yaaaa boie!!!! It feels REALLY good to win that game! i really hope this will help people relize that the NEW lumberton raiders are for real this year and will come out ready to play as hard as we can EVERY game! GRATZ to all my fellow teamates! i love all you guys like you were my family!!!!
  9. WOO HOO game of the week goes to the raiders!!! come on out and watch us fans it is gonna be one hell ofa battle!!!
  10. Yes raiderpride is VERY right..most of these "kids" on here do not play on the lumberton team but i for one do and i and REALLY getting tired of L-town stunners crap bc i know no one on the football team would be talkin like this bc we all know that we have along way to go and its only going to get harder , ya sure we might get excited about a few wins and stuff but for me i cant really help it, being one of the soph that got moved up to varsity last year i forgot how good it feels to win but L-town stunner is taking it over the edge i mean i dont mind people stickin up for us im all for that but he is kinda ruining our name...and i hope i do find out who it is bc i would like to have a talk with him myself! i hope u all dont think that the lumberton team is talking trash and all that stuff and know that we DO play with class.
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