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  1. EMS, When the bond committee studied the proposals made by lan walton.Why were no scematics or engineering proposals made available to the committee addressing renovation cost to each of the 4 buildings.Did any committee members think to persue this or were they so taken by the presentation made by ian walton that you did not think it was needed to make an informed decision. The committee was tainted by the number of school district employees and board members on the committee.District maintenance has been poor and very under funded for years. The current administration has not paid the needed attention that these buildings need.These walk thrus have proven the these builds are sound structures and are in need of renovation and not razing as Lan Walton suggest. Here is a prime example of how misguided a community can be. The score board was supposed to be baught and paid for with corporations buying space on the board. Well guess what the money goal was never reached and we the taxpayers are carrying the remainder of its cost. The administration and school board assured us that this would not cost us .Just like the FORD PARK farce are you not tired of the politicians telling you what we need. Make a stand Vote No !
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