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Everything posted by bsbl4life

  1. ??? i'm confused now. HF needs to make up their mind. an earlier post stated the reason the player used the language he did was because Landry taught him that. now it's being said he used that language because he was hit in the head. could it be that maybe it's just a lack of respect on the player's part? nah, couldn't be that. HF never disrespects....
  2. I have been reading this thread and have had no desire to respond; however, after the absurd post by HFmom, I feel the need to do just that. Apparently HFmom doesn't know the true meaning of sportsmanship. EVERYtime a BC player is already on base or in the batter's box and will be returning to defense, a teammate brings him his hat/glove and carries their helmet/bat back to the dugout. Your interpretation of someone throwing a bat towards the dugout to be picked up and someone throwing a bat down in frustration is grossly misrepresented. You, of all people, should know the difference. After all you witness it at every HF game!! I cannot believe that you had the audacity to call out a BC player when your HF player told the BC fans "F" y'all". You know it happened and your first base coach did nothing about it. The player you chose to call out just so happens to be one of the most respected ball players in this district, if not all of Southeast Texas (unlike any of your players). This particular player is going to go places your ball players can only dream about. Sounds to me like there's a jealous mother in HF. Why else would you call out a BC player? And you wonder why HF gets no respect. After Friday night, you will never have it. I find it amusing that you think everyone is picking on poor little HF when there's a confrontation everytime HF plays a team in the district. Sounds to me like HF is the common demoninator. HF has lost all respect from every team in the district and rightly so. BC's whistle blowing has been done for 9 games and no one had a problem with it until HF. You mentioned BC blew the whistle while your boys were batting, right? Well, wouldn't that be the same time the BC pitcher was pitching? Where's the discrimination in that? Your AD was there with an agenda after losing to the BC girls softball team. It was evident at the softball game and he brought it with him to the baseball game. And yes, you are wrong about the rules. You don't have a clue.
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