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Everything posted by lowandaway

  1. both of these teams have plenty of room for improvement. IMO just to many little league mistakes and the one team won that made the least mistakes. Surely we play better than this game reflected we should talk about where we can improve for the next time will be at there house and i believe we will have to do better to repeat.
  2. if last nights game is any indication of this areas varsity talent they won't get far out of district. No discipline at the plate, no discipline on the mound, nothing over 82 MPH and only maybe 3 hard hit baseballs for 7 innings! Where is our talent, Eagles swinging for the fences and cant hit out of the infield when they needed it. GCM only benefitted from the Eagles lack of pitching and lack of hitting for sure the buzz around town was y'all where better than that.
  3. I saw BH and GCM and was not impressed with either team, pitching was not what i had visioned , no hitting from either team and some elementary base running mistakes for both teams and errors made should have been routine. Are these teams better than what was shown?
  4. You must be a bronco. We have our on tail wind and willtry to keep clear of your horse smell Tuesday night you will be talking or silent we will see Thats funny....but i'm no Bronco.....I'm closer to the Patriots and have allways been an avid bird watcher
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