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  1. Did not mean to offend by not listing the roster, but I will not mention names anymore, but it was funny nothing was mentioned about the other list of names that were listed on a previous blog. I have seen a great amount of consistency from the freshmen on the JV. Two combined for 14 hits in four games, that shows as much consitency as one can. The pitching will improve, but the left side of the infield had numerous errors with two outs, and Santa Fe scored 6 runs on those two outs. I will say that the pitcher did a great job, pitching against Dayton, but they did not compare to Sante Fe. From what I have read there seems to be tension against this freshmen group, saying they are not ready or they do not show consistency when in in 7 games (yes some being just scrimmages) you have two hitting around or a little over .500 and one playing shortstop that has zero errors, and most of the runs scored against these pitchers were set up by errors. I say they are solid, and I also think there are some solid sophs. as well, as I thought my last comments mentioned. I guess we can try to predict who will be stand outs and who won't, bottom line is we will see in the next two years. The truth is told on the field. But until then, Barbers Hill has a great varsity team this year, lots of seniors who can pound the baseball, it will be fun to watch the hitting attack. They should go far in the play-offs. This is my last response to this forum. We will see in the next years who the future stars are.
  2. I can say that the freshman class at Barbers Hill is loaded with talent. Though none are on the varsity (11 seniors) there are a few that would be if at a different program. Three started off practicing with the varsity and the correct decision was made to put them on the JV. These kids need playing time to develop and they will. Cody Thompson, Kyle Leggett, and Grayson Long are names you will here about as pitchers. Long is the most under rated of the three pitchers, I have seen all of them throw and Long looks to throw the hardest, I did not have a gun, but looked much faster than the other two. This kid will be 6'6" by the time he stops growing and will be a force on the mound by his Jr. year. Thompson is versatile, he can catch and pitch, and has been on fire at the plate. Leggett looks to be the best replacement for the senior shortstop next year. His glove has been very impressive. The thing these 3 pitchers need to learn is a couple of more pitches. Blake Bonnin has a very consistent bat and a strong glove no matter where he plays, he will give you a .350-.450 hitter in the lineup. Wade Duke who is on the Soph. team will be a very strong outfielder, great speed and is ripping the ball (should be on JV) He is a very good athlete. Richie Pearson another one with great speed in the outfield. He is still a little raw, but has great potintial and will be developed into a great outfielder by his Jr. year. The soph. class has a some quality with James Ballard, if he stays healthy he will be a stud in the lineup next year, and they have James Santana another soph. He is very versatile and can play 2nd, SS, and outfield, with a pretty good bat and great speed on the bases. Barbers Hill also has to incoming freshmen that will make a fast impact, Preston Townly and Tyler Beasly will probably be 4 yr. letter winners. Leggett (fresh) Thompson (fresh) Bonnin (fresh) Long (fresh) Duke (fresh) Pearson (fresh) Gillis (fresh) Bellard (soph) Santana(soph) Green (soph) These kids give Barbers Hill a bright hopeful future. Lots of pitching and lots of sticks.
  3. Well who ever predicted that they would go with all seniors, hit the nail on the head. I think it is the right decision and the proof is in the scores. Don't coach for the future when you have the talent to coach for this year. I think the freshmen class is very talented and I think that players like Leggett, Thompson, Bonnin, could play varsity and would at weaker programs, but not when you have the group of seniors Barbers Hill has this year. The way they hit the ball, if the pitching can hold up they will go a long way.
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