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Posts posted by BringinTheHeat

  1. I have talked to some people on the board and directors at BH and have heard that there [b]IS [/b] money in the budget for turf among other things. Price says turf doesn't make you win ball games, neither does the dome they run thru at the beginning and halftime at games(which we have but can't use), neither does "re-skinning" helmets before playoff games (same ratty decals torn up thru reg. season games).I grew up with coaching (not from here) that says if you look good, you feel good, you play good! Kind of a MORAL booster! BH got a new scoreboard with the little snowflakes and not rerun because it doesn't win ball games. It was a known pissing contest between the Coach and the Board, and who loses??? The kids!! Everyone needs to take themselves out of the equation and remember we are teaching and coaching kids to get them ready for the next level or life in general... What do you think the past few classes will remember or take on in life???
  2. Coach Price did a good job trying to stay on top of 2 jobs (AD/HC). It is time to step it up and have a coach who is up to speed and current on Football only and have an AD to watch over the budget, all sports and teams. What I noticed from watching our football teams versus the teams that beat us is that the other teams knew how to make adjustments (at halftime) toward what we did and we never did adjust for the them. Case in point, we went back to running the QB and throwing passes the whole PNG game and just 3 weeks before we were running Stubbs (McMillan hurt) and making good gains. We had the chance to run Stubbs and McMillan the 2nd half to ADJUST and we never saw them. To me, that is bad coaching. We would have been in the game if we had. That happened al year. Just My 2 cents.
  3. IMO, I think the coaching needs to be taken to the next level in 4-A football. You can't run the same offense that you did in 3-A ball just because you won games. I can see that when BH is ahead at halftime, the opposing team usually makes great adjustments against us and we still play the same game. We don't have the biggest play selection and when we make good yardage running the ball down the field, we stop doing that and start passing Why? Make them stop us! You don't see too many head coaches in BIG school football being the A.D./ Head Coach . Usually there is an A.D. and a head coach so that you don't keep the same fingers in the pot and the A.D. can support the other sports playing at the same time. JMO 
  4. You guys need to lay off this kid! He is busting his hump to make a name and you haters are steadily beating him down. Sounds like some jealousy to me from people who don't have some of their own being looked at. If he wasn't any good, he wouldn't have scouts looking at him in the 1st place, D1 or not!!!!!!!

  5. Defense played real well Friday night! I have to agree with you guys about our defensive backs not looking for the ball. They run into the receiver before the ball gets there because they never turn around, who teaches that technique???????? We should have so many more interceptions that it ain't funny! As far as #10 & #20, I think the whole sophomore class is contributing very well to this Eagle football team! #32,#81,#28,#78,#35,#10,#20.... They all play lots of downs and do a great job!!!!!

  6. There is a lot of talent that gets passed up in high school because coaches have tunnel vision. Once you start a position in 7th grade, you generally stay put. I don't agree with it because kids grow, get faster and ability changes. It has been that way since the dawn of time seems like. They put a little time in a kid at a position and think that if they tried him somewhere else then they wasted their effort in the early years. The biggest challenge for a coach is to learn change could be good, especially changing your rprgram to fit the athletic abilities of the group of kids you have. JMO

  7. Sounds like the dad and son have good connections with the BH quarterback coach to me. I have watched him and he is a good athlete, but still very immature. I saw a few plays he made in Jr. League baseball this year and needs to be more agile. All I have ever heard is how far he throws, once I even heard 70 yds. Accuracy, speed, agility and taking a hit at BH QB position is what it's going to take in their offense. He is a good kid and very talented, but I think he needs some playing time before "taking over the helm". The in coming freshmen have lots of good athletes, but so do the sophomores...McMillan, Duke, Thompson, Sexton, McDonald, etc...JMO

  8. LC-M had a kid move in today that is pitching tonight that throws 105! Thats what the Astros said he threw at band camp!

    Thats funny. Really don't know how hard Langley throws, just wanted to get a rise out of someone, looks like it worked. Actually seen him throw twice, throws hard, good stuff.

    Imagine that. I am so naive!! I thought everyone was being legit on here!!!!    :o

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