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Everything posted by Bulldog13

  1. First of all i have never posted anything ever about baseball. second i am not related to anyone on the basketball team. and i am a little to old to be hanging out with hammond so there
  2. COME SUPPORT THE DOGS FRIDAY NIGHT!!! tonight is a big night for the nederlan bulldogs the poeple on that basketball team has earned the sopt in the playoffs. Tonight is the seniors night this is their last home game there needs to be so many people in that place that it is impossible to stop the cheering and yelling. Bring as many boards as possible dont let anybody stop this night frim happening. its gotta happen for the kids playing they have never seen that place packed before so lets pack it in for their last home game.
  3. because hammond needs to be that high he is a great athelete. He is good at every thing he may have not had the year he had last time but he is done great played better defense this year and it doesnt help everytime he gets the ball he gets fouled and no call refs love to call the other way against him.
  4. First of all when a player does as bad as torres did against livingston and he plays the whole entire game. There is something wrong in that picture. The depth is the best nederland has ever had you just don't get a chance to see the players play. playing with a limited rotation is great and all but what if one of the main guys gets hurt then your back up has barely any experience in a real game format especially in a playoff game. 1.Franks ozen 2.Gulley Central 3.Jefferson ozen 4.Harris Livingston 5.Johnson Ozen 6.Hammond Nederland 7.Willamson Vidor 8.Weathersbe Port Neches 9.Forney Nederland 10.Deron Port neches
  5. Yeah you say we got into the playoffs thats all that matters yeah we got there but if dont play like the nederland bulldogs can play as a team then we wont make it past the first round. My opion is all the players need to show a little more want. Hammond needs to take over that basketball team. Torres when he does play like a point gaurd he is one of the best out there. We have great depth on the bench english just needs to use it more than ever.
  6. First of all Francis should not even be on the list. The worst thing that could have happen this year was the harden jefferson game. Livingston game he had about 20 turnovers by him self and was 3 for about 25 for shots and played the whole game. I think english needs to get his head on straight and use his back up point gaurd thats why he is there.
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