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Everything posted by JudgementSeat

  1. wow....struck a chord....mmmmmm....tempermental female or ARROGANT MALE....what's the difference....so we are to bow down to your opinion....here's a news flash daddyballer...."there's always two sides to every story to find out the truth"...and apparently you didn't take the time to do that....except you think you are all knowing with your opinion...which is one side....sitting in the judgement seat from the outside not really knowing just assuming whats going on....why don't you slide down from your throne....what's even more ironic are those who sit in the shadows making asinine comments, slithering around like snakes in the grass but don't have the fortitude to contribute and make a difference....so what do you see in the mirror, daddyballer....and if i was the president of the league i definitely would not listen to one word you had to say....so i might just pass that on to her to be very very careful who she listens too....so now with your male ego you have to continue this cesspool and even stoop lower....well I'm done swimming in this toxic forum...with all of you...I've had my say and oh by the way daddyballer....that's called an opinion--not a tempermental female!!!!
  2. it's people like you who are never satisfied with anything that other people do...you sit back verbally criticizing others for what they do when you are no better....not one of you would not pick your son/daughter to be on an allstar team....good or bad....that's the whole purpose of parents coaching...this has been going on for eons of time....from the very inception of little dribblers....what makes this time any different....except when our new allstar coach moves on you will just criticize the next one because that's how the game is played....if there was a better way of picking allstars why have you genius' not come up with something different....and as to the one who brought up jm in coaching....jm didn't make it happen...so what does that say about his coaching....had the talent....but came up short....whether you like it or not....what you people need to do is work on trying to support the coaches and kids instead of tearing everything down....and if you could have done so much better why didn't you.... apparently you don't have it either....was jj done wrong by not being selected on the team....you bet he was, we all know that..and those of us who care are hurt by that but it wasn't just the coaches kids who you think shouldn't have made the team.....however that's one of the perks...and you all know that, too....the best thing that you all can do is move on...support both team and coaches and stop your belly aching...what's done is done....and win or lose in nationals the kids will benefit more if the parents would just act like adults
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