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10U Out Of Control '99 needing another Catcher....

Guest Darren33

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Guest Darren33

10U Out Of Control is in need of a strong '99 catcher.   Must have a strong bat to go with the package.  Both skills (hitting and catching) are required.

Please call Darren at 409-284-2879.    Houston inquiries welcome.  We play 75% of our tournaments in Houston, and 25% in Lake Charles, LA.


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Guest Darren33
[quote name="DAMan" post="679028" timestamp="1255826188"]
;D You don't want much.  ;D

Nope, just one of the best...  That's all I'm asking for......;D   Seriously, I hate to keep pulling from Houston to keep filling spots on my team (which I've already had to do).  I moved about a year and a half ago from Houston where I coached for years, so I have a lot of contacts with good players, but I'd much rather develop our "GT area girls."  But I need the best players I can get, so please feed them to me.  Heck, I even have a player from Brookeland, Texas, which is 90 miles away.   Again, I'm looking for the best I can get.

We are a bonafide IRS tax exempt non-for-profit public entity charity.  So we are well funded by sponsors, and we are very thankful for their support for our girls.

If anyone knows a good 10U that Catches, or desires to be a Catcher, please send them my way.  I'm up to my ears in good pitchers (6), I need a kid that has a strong arm, solid bat, average speed or better, and wants to be developed to be a catcher.   Do I have solid catchers?  Absolutely.  Do I need another?  Yes, or I would not post this.  Anyone that knows how I coach knows that I rotate girls through multiple positions for player development and growth.   That's why it's all the more important that I be very picky - they don't just play one position, they play many.  But the catcher position is a spot where I need the talent (and toughness) to rotate about 3-4 players through.   Come on GT coaches........I know you all know someone that may fit this bill.   Please have them call me.  Looking for a 1999 B-Day.

Cell - 409-284-2879



Out Of Control 99
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