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**Nederland at Ozen Updates....11-3 Nederland Wins!!!**

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Dean pitched first two scoreless innings; Cody Laird pitched 2 run 3rd; Tyler Smith pitched scoreless 4th; Jacob Pitts pitched scoreless 5th and 6th; and Neil Higgs pitched 1 run 7th.  The entire bench got to play in this one.  Coach pulled back as soon as it was 9 to 0 and started to sub in the third. 

Jordan Pitts, Kirby Bellow, Nick Cardenas, and Tyler Smith all had extra base hits.

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did babino get any hits?what about brown?

Brown and Campbell were moved down to get more playing time.  It's a great problem for Coach Robbins to have enough talent to have to send some very good players down to get playing time. 

Pitched 3 underclassmen against Ozen.  With those three plus Bellow, Brown, Sonnier, Campbell, etc. the future of NHS pitching looks bright. 

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