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Oh, I wish we could go back to blue jeans and a tee shirt, tennis shoes and wooden bats, corn dogs and donkey race fundraisers and my favorite, team sweethearts selling home made brownies.

5 and 6 year old little brothers chasing foul balls for snowcones, who had never have put on a uniform, except for his big brother's ball cap, if he was lucky.


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Guest bbguru01

The movie Sandlot gives you a good look  of how it use to be.Kids playing Baseball all summer,all day.Having one ball to play with and that ol time feel.great baseball movie to watch.

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Oh, I wish we could go back to blue jeans and a tee shirt, tennis shoes and wooden bats, corn dogs and donkey race fundraisers and my favorite, team sweethearts selling home made brownies.

5 and 6 year old little brothers chasing foul balls for snowcones, who had never have put on a uniform, except for his big brother's ball cap, if he was lucky.


You pegged it.  Back when little kiddos were being little kiddos, making mud pies, swimming and doing the things that they don't even know exist now.  We adults are cheating kids of being kids.

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We were always at the ball park, even when we didn't have a game. We all gather up some cups and if we were lucky some foil and make a ball and play cup ball. Chasing the foul balls was one of my favorites. The day we brought softball into the league was a great day for an 11 and 12 year old boy.

That being said, I still make sure that my boys spend some time playing wall ball and eating snow cones. Our boys also have it alot better than we did. They have the opportunity to have lessons and learn how to pitch and hit. I wouldn't trade my days for anything but I think I could have been a better ball player if I had some of the opportunities that our kids have today.

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growing up and playing ball at wesco was in deed the most fun as a kid. playing cup ball we had our own little field behind the chalk box building. taking a wax coke cup and playing with no umps,parents,coaches, was the best game to play. if only we could have this type of game today...

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growing up and playing ball at wesco was in deed the most fun as a kid. playing cup ball we had our own little field behind the chalk box building. taking a wax coke cup and playing with no umps,parents,coaches, was the best game to play. if only we could have this type of game today...

I don't know who you are but we were either playing together or the tradition may have continued after I was gone but that is exactly what and where I was talking about. One of my other favorite things was the opening day parade we used to have at Wesco.

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I played for the owls and then the Skippers way before you played. I was graduating from High School in '84. I'm glad to see the tradition continued on. I loved those purple All-Star uniforms. We didn't get new uniforms every year. We were so proud to be issued that purple uniform. Then we had to turn it back in. My boys are 8 and 9 and I got one of the all -star uniforms when Wesco was on it's way out. They still wear it today. Makes me so proud. What great memories.

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growing up and playing ball at wesco was in deed the most fun as a kid. playing cup ball we had our own little field behind the chalk box building. taking a wax coke cup and playing with no umps,parents,coaches, was the best game to play. if only we could have this type of game today...

I don't know who you are but we were either playing together or the tradition may have continued after I was gone but that is exactly what and where I was talking about. One of my other favorite things was the opening day parade we used to have at Wesco.


I remember that parade I walked Darby Breaux in it one year.  I was so nervous I couldnt talk to her.

I would never change my little league days, but i do wish I had more instruction back then.  I do wish we had some of the opportunities our kids have. 

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I still go to the old park from time to time and play with my kids on the old witches hat. I'm also lucky enough to have gotten permission from the Crush group to practice out there from time to time. I can still see myself sitting on the score board putting up the numbers for the score. Long before anyone had electric scoreboards. Watching Patty and Gina play softball.

No $300 bats in those days.

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growing up and playing ball at wesco was in deed the most fun as a kid. playing cup ball we had our own little field behind the chalk box building. taking a wax coke cup and playing with no umps,parents,coaches, was the best game to play. if only we could have this type of game today...

I don't know who you are but we were either playing together or the tradition may have continued after I was gone but that is exactly what and where I was talking about. One of my other favorite things was the opening day parade we used to have at Wesco.


I remember that parade I walked Darby Breaux in it one year.  I was so nervous I couldnt talk to her.

I would never change my little league days, but i do wish I had more instruction back then.  I do wish we had some of the opportunities our kids have. 

Walking the sweetheart was one of the most nerve racking this a boy could have done in those day. Anyone old enough to remember when the guy in the Planters peanut suit was out for opeining day one year?

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My reply didnt go through the first time.  I remember that parade and I walked Darby Breaux in the parade and was so nervous I couldnt talk to her.  I wouldnt trade my little league days for nothing.  I just wish we had the opportunities our kids have.  I remember wearing blue jeans in my first little league game.  WOW those were the days!!!!!!!

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Guest agent99

The Little League days at Wesco were the greatest. I was the mom of one of the sweethearts selling the brownies,cookies and popcorn balls The memories will be with us forever. The friendships will last a lifetime.

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Oh, I wish we could go back to blue jeans and a tee shirt, tennis shoes and wooden bats, corn dogs and donkey race fundraisers and my favorite, team sweethearts selling home made brownies.

5 and 6 year old little brothers chasing foul balls for snowcones, who had never have put on a uniform, except for his big brother's ball cap, if he was lucky.


Were you the guy that drove his car to practice at Wesco?  :D :D

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