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Nederland 12 yr old ALLSTARS

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Hey RGR, you were on the classless thread saying it was one dad mouthing and that you and the other coaches respected BCLL.  Then you come to this thread and repeat the score numerous times, I hope untintentionally, as if rubbing it in.  It looks bad for a coach to do so.  I support NLL but hope the classless thread and the repeated scores are not indicative of what the upcoming Nederland fans are going to be.  Win or lose, do so with class. 

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RGR you seem to be classless yourself.  Yes Ned won but not like everyone thought.  It actually came down to who got the brakes.  BC hit the ball way better than Ned did.  I still wouldnt count BC out to double dip, anything is possible.  We still have a very good Groves team to face.  So yes for you again you(well not you the boys) won 4 to 1 congrats.

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Guest Penny

There are knuckleheads everywhere, we have our share in Nederland as some have experienced.  But there are knuckleheads in BC, PN, Bmt, OC... too.  Zip code has nothing to do with being a knucklehead. 

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There are knuckleheads everywhere, we have our share in Nederland as some have experienced.  But there are knuckleheads in BC, PN, Bmt, OC... too.  Zip code has nothing to do with being a knucklehead. 

Boy, penny, you hit that nail on the head...I don't think any community would like to be judged solely on the actions of their biggest knuckleheads...we have our fair share in Nederland, but so does every one else...sounds to me like someone is trying to live a bit too vicariously through their 12 year old son...let the boys play ball, have fun, compete with every thing in 'em, and may the best team win

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Guest gladiator2

You talked about trying to live through his 12 yr old son. I think that he has his retirement based on his son making it to the big leagues. I have seen kid's at 12 years and be unbelievable and just fizzle out as they get older. There is too many things that can stop a career from ever beginning (girls,drugs,trouble, and injuries). I think I may have experienced a few of these problems myself when I was a sophomore in HS. Sometimes kid's at 12 may be the biggest and most gifted but by the time they hit 14, the rest of the class starts to catch up. And if you as a parent are going to let a coach pitch your kid with a hurt arm than you really have problems. I don't care how good a kid is, there is always room for improvement and if you let him think that he is the best than he is already done.

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Guest Penny

Oh yeah Razor, and probably the KING KNUCKLEHEAD ... oh well, take the good with the bad.  Like you said, the kids are 12, they have a lot to learn, now if they're acting like Knuckleheads when they're 40 years old, we'll crack on them.  You just hope the apple falls and rolls far away from some of these trees.

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RGR you seem to be classless yourself.  Yes Ned won but not like everyone thought.  It actually came down to who got the brakes.  BC hit the ball way better than Ned did.  I still wouldnt count BC out to double dip, anything is possible.  We still have a very good Groves team to face.  So yes for you again you(well not you the boys) won 4 to 1 congrats.

I disagree with you MachineBaseball.  The reason Ned won is because they came back strong on Tuesday and outplayed BC.  I agree, Ned didn't hit the ball well against Crain on Monday, but we did get a hit off of him in the 3rd inning which gave our team the confidence they needed to tie the game up in the 4th.  They put themselves in the perfect position to come back & finish the game on Tuesday.  The boys did a great job, but I also give credit to the coaches....so should you!

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