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Washington's Top 200


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Illustration: Darren Thompson

Compiled By Lisa Furlong

The nation's capital has an abundance of powerful people who play golf, and some of them are pretty good. We searched the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the White House. We even looked into handicaps of the top lobbyists in Washington. Here are the 200 best.



Handicaps without decimal points are unofficial estimates. Washington's Top 200

# NAME                TITLE                    INDEX

1. Chris Lamond VP, The Federalist Group + 0.7

T-2. Chris Chocola Rep.-Ind. 0.5

T-2. Arthur Mason EVP, Cassidy & Associates 0.5

4 Bob Okun VP/lobbyist, NBC 1.1

5 Geoff Gonella Pres., Cornerstone Government Affairs 1.5

6 Mark Udall Rep.-Colo. 1.8

7 Fred Eames Partner, Hunton & Williams 2

8 Linda DiVall Pres./CEO, American Viewpoint 2.1

9 Joe Baca Rep.-Calif. 2.2

10 Dan Tate Sr. Consultant, Cassidy & Assoc. 2.3

11 Kerry Knott VP, Federal Govt. Affairs, Comcast 2.4

12 Michael Williams Director, Govt. Aff., Greenberg Taurig 2.6

T-13. Jeff Becker Pres., The Beer Institute 2.9

T-13. Bo Chambliss Assoc. Dir./Govt. Rel., Chicago Merc. Exch. 2.9

T-15. John Haddow VP, Parry, Romani, DeConcini & Symms 3.6

T-15. Brett Hale VP, Govt. Affairs, Amer. Gaming Assn.  3.6

17 Spence Pryor Special Assistant, U.S. Attorney (D.C.)  4.0

18 Eric Rizzo Dir. Fed. Affairs, Farmers Insurance 4.1

19 Mike Ferguson Rep.-N.J. 4.3

T-20.  Don Nickles Pres., Nickles Group 4.5

T-20.  Kent Wells VP, Cingular Wireless 4.5

22 John Boehner Rep.-Ohio 4.8

T-23. Zach Wamp Rep.-Tenn. 4.9

T-23. Ed Rogers Chairman, Barbour, Griffith & Rogers 4.9

25 Chris Cox VP, Navigators 5.5

26 Dave Heil Sr. Adviser, McKenna Long & Aldridg 6.2

T-27. Steve Buyer Rep.-Ind. 6.4

T-27. Marty Russo CEO, Cassidy & Assoc. 6.4

T-29. John Ensign Sen.-Nev. 6.5

T-29. Jim McCool Dir. Govt. Affairs, The Southern Cos 6.5

T-31. Bill Shute Vice Chancellor, Fed Rel., U. of Texas 6.6

T-31. Evan Tracey COO/founder,Media Intelligence TNS 6.6

33 Saxby Chambliss Sen.-Ga. 6.8

34 Gary Lytle Sr.  VP, Policy & Law, Qwest  7.1

35 Joe Biden Sen.-Del. 7.4

36 Chris John Sr. Govt. Rel. Adviser, Arent Fox 7.5

37 Mike Oxley Rep.-Ohio 7.9

T-38. Dan Cohen Lobbyist, Inamed 8.0

T-38. David Hobbs Ex-Bush deputy, Pres., David Hobbs Group 8.0

T-38. Mike Simpson Rep.-Idaho 8.0

T-41. Gordon Smith Sen.-Ore. 8.2

T-41. Dan Tate Jr. Partner, Capitol Solutions 8.3

43 Jim Johnson V. Chair, Perseus LLC 8.5

44 Scott Pastrick Pres., BKSH & Assoc. 8.6

45 Charlie Shipp Shipp & Assoc. 9

T-46. Chet Edwards Rep.-Tex. 9

T-46. Rick Goddard Dir., Fed. Affairs, The Beer Institute 9.0

T-46. Joel Jankowsky Partner, Akin Gump 9.1

T-49. Paris Fisher Martin, Fisher, Thompson & Assoc. 9.1

T-49. Mike Leavitt Secretary of Health & Human Services  9.2

51 Tim Jenkins Lawyer, O'Connor & Hannan 9.2

52 Dave McCurdy Pres., Electric Industries Alliance 9.3

53 Barry Hutchison Exec. Director, Public Affairs, SBC 9.7

T-54. Ander Crenshaw Rep.-Fla. 9.9

T-54. John Tanner Rep.-Tenn. 9.9

T-56. Michael Brown  Managing Partner, Alcalde & Fay  10

T-56. Ron Kind Rep.-Wis. 10

T-58. Edward Fritts CEO, Pres., Natl. Assn. of Broadcasters 10.1

T-58. Judd Gregg Sen.-N.H. 10.1

T-58. Bruce Talley Dir. Govt. Affairs, ABB Corp 10.1

61 Ron Reeves Ron Reeves & Assoc. 10.2

62 Al Hubbard Director, National Economic Council 10.5

63 Ed Bethune Bracewell & Giuliani 10.6

64 Mike Meece Special Assistant to the president 10.8

65 Jean Statler SVP, Harris Interactive  10.9

T-66. Tom DeLay Rep.-Tex. 11

T-66. Randy Kuhl Rep.-N.Y. 11

T-66. Rick Santorum Sen.-Pa. 11

69 Daniel J. McNamara EVP, Cassidy & Assoc. 11.1

70 Steve Griles Principal, Nethercutt & Lundquist, Griles 11.4

71 Buzz Miller VP, Govt. Relations, Southern Company 11.5

72 Jim Clyburn Rep.-S.C. 11.6

73 Jack Abramoff Lobbyist 11.7

74 Dan Burton Rep.-Ind. 11.8

T-75. Dan Cunningham Assoc., PMA Group 11.9

T-75. John Snow Sec. of the Treasury  11.9

T-77. Roy Coffee O’Connor & Hannan 12.0

T-77. John Feehrey EVP, External Affairs, Motion Picture Assn. 12.0

T-77. John Goodwin National Marine, Manufacturers Assn.  12

T-77. Duncan Hunter Rep.-Calif. 12

T-77. Bill Klinefelter Legis. & Political Dir., U.S. Steel Workers 12

T-77. Pat Pizzella Asst. Sec. of Labor 12

T-83. Russ Carnahan Rep.-Mo. 12.1

T-83. Mary Mann Washington rep, International Paper  12.1

T-83. Luckie McClintock Dir., Political & Legislative Affairs, Plumbers & Pipefitters Union 12.2

T-86. Fred Graefe Lawyer/lobbyist, Frederick H. Graefe  12.2

T-86. Tony Rudy Partner, Alexander Strategy Group 12.2

88 Dan Bartlett Counselor to the president  12.3

89 Barclay Resler VP, Govt. & Public Affairs, Coca-Cola 12.4

T-90. Charlie Black Chairman, BKSH & Assoc.  12.7

T-90. Richard Burr Sen.-N.C. 12.7

T-90. Mark Foley Rep.-Fla. 12.7

T-90. Bill Lane Manager, Govt. Affairs, Caterpillar 12.7

94 Sandra Day O'Connor Supreme Court 12.8

95 John Boozman Rep.-Ark. 12.9

T-96. Lyndon Boozer Fed Rel., Bell South 13.0

T-96. Charlie Stamp VP, Public Affairs, Deere & Co. 13.0

T-98. Mike Doyle Rep.-Pa. 13.1

T-98. Larry Gage Partner, Powell Goldstein LLP 13.1

T-98. David Regan COO, Legislative Affairs NADA 13.1

101 Rich Fruchterman RLF3 Consulting 13.2

102 John Raffaelli Principal, The Washington Group 13.7

103 Robert Mueller Director of the FBI 13.9

104 John Roberts Supreme Court nominee 14.5

105 Steve Ricchetti Pres., Ricchetti Inc. 14.6

106 Sam Adcock Lobbyist, European Aeronautic Defense & Space Company  14.8

107 James Coyne Pres., National Air Transportation Assn. 14.9

T-108. Xavier Becerra Rep.-Calif. 15

T-108. George W. Bush President 15

T-108. Rob Catron Partner, Alcalde & Fay 15

T-108. Lindsey Graham Sen.-S.C. 15

T-108. Doc Hastings Rep.-Wash. 15

T-108. Jay Inslee Rep.-Wash. 15

T-108. Clay Johnson Deputy Dir., OMB 15

T-108. Stephen Lynch Rep.-Mass. 15

T-108. Paul Rosenthal Chairman, Collier, Shannon Scott 15

T-108. Bart Stupak Rep.-Mich. 15

T-118. Vic Fazio Co-Man. Partner, Clark & Weinstock 15.1

T-118. Johnny Isakson Sen.-Ga. 15.1

T-120. Conrad Burns Sen.-Mont. 15.2

T-120. Kenneth Cole VP, Govt. Rel., GM 15.2

T-122. Jim Bunning Sen.-Ky. 15.4

T-122. Mike Hammer Partner, Wilkie Farr & Gallagher 15.4

124 Jim McCrery Rep.-La. 15.5

125 Jon Potter Exec. Dir., Digital Media Association 15.6

T-126. Chaka Fattah Rep.-Pa. 16

T-126. Alberto Gonzales Attorney General 16

T-126. Jim Ryun Rep.-Kan. 16

T-126. Don Young Rep.-Alaska 16

130 James Free Pres., The Smith-Free Group 16.3

131 John Sununu Sen.-N.H. 16.5

132 Ben Dupuy Fed. liaison, NRA 16.8

133 Ed Baxter VP, Parry, Romani, DeConcini & Symms 16.9

134 Matt Kirk Deputy Assistant to the president 17

135 Bob Moss Bob Moss Assoc. 17.4

136 Alex Castellanos Principal, National Media Inc. 17.6

137 Rae Evans Pres., Evans Capitol Group  17.7

T-138. Henry Brown Rep.-S.C. 18

T-138. Gil Gutknecht Rep.-Minn. 18

T-138. William Jenkins Rep.-Tenn. 18

T-138. John Murtha Rep.-Pa. 18

T-138. Hal Stratton Consumer Product Safety Comm. 18 18

143 Chris Dodd Sen.-Conn. 18.6

144 Steve Symms Parry, Romani, DeConcini & Symms 18.8

145 Jim Healey Black, Kelly, Scruggs & Healey  18.9

T-146. Tom Coburn Sen.-Okla. 19

T-146. John Warner Sen.-Va. 19

T-148. Brenda Becker Dir., Legislative Affairs, VP’s office 19.6

T-148. Nick Calio SVP, Global Govt.Affairs, Citigroup 19.6

T-150. John Kerry Sen.-Mass. 19.9

T-150. John Sullivan Rep.-Okla. 19.9

T-152. Sanford Bishop Jr. Rep.-Ga. 20

T-152. Randy Cunningham Rep.-Calif. 20

T-152. John Duncan Jr. Rep.-Tenn. 20

T-152. Orrin Hatch Sen.-Utah 20

T-152. Pete Hoekstra Rep.-Mich. 20

T-152. Jim Nicholson Sec., Veterans Affairs  20

T-152. Butch Otter Rep.-Idaho 20

T-152. Martin Sabo Rep.-Minn. 20

160 David Safavian Admin., Office of Fed. Procurement 20.1

T-161. Mike Conaway Rep.-Tex. 20.7

T-161. Kate Moss Kate Moss Co. 20.7

T-163. Louie Gohmert Rep.-Tex. 21

T-163. Joel Hefley Rep.-Colo. 21

165 Mary McAuliffe VP, External Affairs, Union Pacific 21

166 Mike Castle Rep.-Del. 21.4

T-167. Steny Hoyer Rep.-Md. 21.9

T-167. Ray LaHood Rep.-Ill. 22

T-167. Tom Latham Rep.-Iowa 22

T-167. Solomon Ortiz Rep.-Tex. 22

T-167. Lynn Westmoreland Rep.-Ga. 22

T-172. John Merrigan Partner, Piper Rudnick 22.3

T-172. Jack Quinn Co-chair, Quinn, Gillespie & Assoc. 22.3

174 Daniel Akaka Sen.-Hawaii 22.4

T-175. Thad Cochran Sen.-Miss. 23

T-175. Russ Feingold Sen.-Wis. 23

T-175. Frank Lautenberg Sen.-N.J. 23

178 Ed Pastor Rep.-Ariz. 23.3

179 Eni Faleomavaega Rep./Am. Samoa 24

180 Kenneth Kies Managing Dir., Clark Consulting 24.6

181 Thomas Kean Chairman, 9/11 Commission 24.7

182 Dutch Ruppersberger Rep.-Md. 24.9

T-183. Elton Gallegly Rep.-Calif. 25

T-183. Taylor Gross Ex-White House spokesman 25

T-183. Mark Kennedy Rep.-Minn. 25

T-183. Ron Lewis Rep.-Ky. 25

T-183. Buck McKeon Rep.-Calif. 25

188 John Paul Stevens Supreme Court  25.2

189 Sheila Tate Vice Chairman, Powell Tate 25.3

T-190. Bob Beauprez Rep.-Colo. 26

T-190. Silvestre Reyes Rep.-Tex. 26

192 Mary Bono Rep.-Calif. 26.8

193 Kathy Didawak Congressional Rel., Blue Cross/Shield 27

194 Melissa Hart Rep.-Pa. 28

T-195. Dan Boren Rep.-Okla. 30

T-195. Edolphus Towns Rep.-N.Y. 30

197 Lisa Nelson Sr. VP, Visa USA 31.2

198 Bob Michel Senior Adviser, Hogan & Hartson  31.9

199 Ann Wrobleski VP, Intl. Forest & Paper Assn. 34

200 Newt Gingrich Fmr. Speaker of the House 47

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