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Will Kirbyville and Newton face off in 2a next year???

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back in the day.....the khs & nhs game was one of the biggest games of the year for both schools.  stadiums were watched carefully by the ag boys from both schools, while the occasional "N" or "K" was marked onto the field of the opposing team.  couples who dated someone from the "other school" were scorned and more than one homecoming bonfire was torched a little too early.  it was classic small town high school football atmosphere! 

there have been a scant few times when kirbyville was crowned the victor, but those were FEW & far between.  in recent years, kirbyville has made impressive strides, but i doubt it will be enough to rattle barbay & co. 

one thing is missing from the thought process is this...many of the boys who play football now, well see their daddys & uncles & cousins all put on pads & suited up for coach barbay too, some of the jr high boys, their granddads played ball for him.  you don't have a group of boys running home to mama & daddy griping about "what coach makes us do..."  chances are he made their daddys do it to and guess what, the record shows that it all works.  the win consistantly in every division they play in.  some years they are stronger than others, but that is the basic nature of sports. 

hope the games come back around!

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balla, we scrimmaged this year you know. in the game scenario, kirbyville didn't embarrass newton. i believe newton outscored kirbyville by a few........i'm waiting...... ya'll were the better team but.......

Coach Barbay was telling your eagles where the ball was going. Kirbyville beat Newton handily in the scrimmage last year, but we didn't jump for joy because its only a scrimmage. If we were to play Newton friday, I think it would be a great match up. I'm hoping my Cats play you guys next year because it will be a dandy one!!!

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