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to all WH fans

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fans, please know that our boys play much better when EVERYONE is standing and cheering for them . i feel that the boys as well as coach Fuller appreciate us doing that. i have noticed that some of our fans want to start standing and yelling at the end. if you will watch, our boys even play better when we are doing so. so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE step it up tomorrow. let's all drive to Nac tomorrow and stretch your legs for about an hour while cheering our OILERS on to another very important game to victory.


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Yes they do and someone needs to talk to our cheerleaders! They want people to stand and then they don't even do a cheer, or when the stands start Oilers and they just stand there. Sometimes they even start a different cheer!

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The oilers are 30-2 and 95% of the fans sit and then stand when it is needed. I think it is great for the students to stand and yell, just not in the middle of everyone that is sitting and watching. Not all fans are 15-18 years old.

That being said, I think the turnout for WH was awesome for a 10am game on a Friday.

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YES, i agree the turn out was awesome i just think that we should yell a little more. i stand mostly the whole game. i am not saying that i want everyone to  do the same but today the cheerleaders were trying to get everyone to stand and we had about 50% come on guys we could at least have 75%, haha. i am not being ugly, this is just how i feel. i am not a 15-18 yr old student i just feel that i should stand a lot. ha. we DO have great fans! (no doubt)


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As always, I was so proud to be from West Hardin this morning- I was kind of worried that we may not have our usual turn out, since it was a 10am game on a work day; but I am most certainly glad that I was proven wrong :)

I agree ---- in any and all athletic events, the fan's "pump it up" for the athletes. I know I'll be yelling my heart out again in the morning ;) Oiler Pride!!!!

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I totally agree with #1! I am a student and we stand the whole game! I can understand if you cant stand the whole time but if you can please do! The boys do play a whole lot better when we stand and cheer for them!!!

[move]Let's Go OILERS!!!! Let's Go OILERS!!!! Let's Go OILERS!!!! Let's Go OILERS!!!![/move]

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