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  1. use2baplaya, Aren't you one of those guys that we could use on the field? Some of those guys in the hall you talk about use2baplaya too! I think that ya'll are talking about two different kinds of kids here. You are talking about kids that our team was never counting on and booster is talking about kids that our team was counting on this year and in the future.
  2. Again, you show yourself to be an interesting character. Your own proof of how strong Dayton will be is by continually pointing out they lost by one point to Ozen last year. Then, you talk about the players you have coming back from last year's team. The part you write about BH and baseball makes absolutely no sense -- I guess you all did 10-run rule BC on your way to losing the playoff series this past season, which you apparently feel somehow has something to do with your knowledge of next year's football season. That would be great, if only it made sense or was somehow relevant to the conversation.
  3. There have been rumors of my return to WO-S, let me clear everything up. I have received several calls and e-mails from people about my return. I'll first tell you what I currently am doing and you can figure out for yourself why I will not be returning to coach at any school. The company I work for, SSE Group, Inc., just finished a very successful MLB Draft where we had 8 Draft picks which included 5 SE Texas players. With last years First Round Draft pick Clay Buchholz, our first 2 Drafts were very successful. Besides the Baseball Agency we also run a Baseball Club, Big Timers Baseball Club, which fills my desire to still coach. We have teams out of SE Texas, Dallas, Houston and New Braunfels. Our SE Texas team includes players from PNG, Nederland, Silsbee, Beaumont Ozen, Beaumont Westbrook, Beaumont Central, Hardin-Jefferson, Bridge City and Beaumont Kelly. With all that said, I will not be returning to WO-S. I wish nothing but the best for the players of WO-S, they are a great group of kids and WO-S was a great place to work and coach. Thanks for your support and if any of you need anything or want to talk baseball, feel free to pm me and I will give you my number and we can talk baseball anytime. Stephen Westbrook
  4. talk about cheatin, check this out!!!!!!!! Immokalee High School will learn Wednesday how the Florida High School Athletic Association will punish the school for using overage athletes in both its soccer and football programs. FHSAA associate commissioner Sonny Hester confirmed Tuesday that the organization has mailed a certified letter to Immokalee which details the consequences stemming from the participation of three athletes — ranging from age 20 to 30 — on the Indians’ 2003-04 and 2004-05 soccer teams and their 2005 football team. The only athlete who has been identified — 30-year-old Blandel Jean — played in five games as a kicker for Immokalee’s football team this past season. Hester has said that Immokalee will have to forfeit every game the men played in. The school will also have to forfeit two district soccer championships and its 2005 football district title because of the men’s participation.
  5. Knowing from personal experience, draft and follow is not the way to go. players that are drafted and followed can not talk to any other scouts or teams throughout their next year. if he doesn't sign with texas before next years draft, most teams have their draft board set close to two weeks before the draft. he could slip further down. i am for taking the deal this year are going to school with the ability to sign in 2007 with anyone.
  6. Not yet. Talk of Michael Thompson coming in but that is up in the air right now. He's with Marcus at Crosby.
  7. Haha brainwashed how do you think that is, and we can talk good about our coach cause he taught us alot of stuff of course he did some things i did not like but thats his style of coaching, and some of the porblem in Lumberton is no dicipline and now we got a AD that is bringing that to Lumberton, and no one was brainwashed during this past season sticky so dont be afriad
  8. First off, I apologize to BigRed 75 for the comments made by some of my past ball players. I have watched this thread go on and on, and I wasn't going to say anything until now. Jeff (baseball 1989), if you could please keep your mouth shut, and just play ball, you might have an opportunity to be a decent ball player. I think this forum is a great place to go for information, and to brag about your team, but this negativity has def. got to stop. You have what seems to me a pretty good coach coming in, don't already label yourself as a kid that has no discipline. As I read this board, both good and bad, I laugh to myself, because it seems to me that certain people like to talk just to create a stir. As a new coach coming in, the great t hing about it is, that all you guys at Lumberton have a fresh life. Yes including the ones, that were on the outs with me. The best thing you guys can do is to prove me wrong, and go out there your senior years, and bust your butt. Don't prove me right, and act like what you stated above. I wish you the best Sportsfann_89, and I am going to give you a word of advice...Stick with the circle change, it is MUCH better than your straight change. Coop I appreciate all you do on this board, and I look forward to a succesfful football season. Heck maybe you and I can even go watch a game together, be like old times. (Of course we would have to have Chad come with us.) Buff
  9. just talk..we dont need bulliten board material, this team is smart and experienced, and if we win it wont be because we were all pumped up over some idiot on a message board. if anyone here needs material its the yoemen.
  10. Your statements are puzzling to me. Did you guys actually talk to Coach Bryant or are just trying to make other people feel like you have the inside scoop? Before you say well someone told me this or that, I will go ahead and say they are full of it also. Matt Bryant (so there is no confusion)
  11. Since you are going to talk about the 2004 season let's go ahead and talk about last year. BC swept Columbus 2-0 and 5-4 so they know how to do it. Believe me Coach Bryant knows what Columbus can do and BC is prepared for tonight.
  12. I was wondering what happened to that site?? This thread will have alot of talk!! Actually some of it is fairly accurate!!
  13. The pitchers and catchers go over the scouting reports with the coaches. I am sure they go home and talk them over with their fathers.
  14. Exactly! - perhaps he should talk to the state officials. This coach sounds like he is looking for an excuse when his team loses. I have no affliation with either of these teams, but now I would certainly like to see the Bears knock off Brenham.
  15. This is High School Baseball Talk, NOT football. Who has the best Baseball Fans is The question.
  16. heck I met jody at the BC Jasper football game with his Jasper sucks T-shirt on....I dont have a problem with them...I talk some smack...heck even to my good friends at WO-S...Its fun as long as it doesnt become harmful or personal....so smack away (bending over)
  17. People on the National News still talk about this!
  18. Calm down folks, Jody and I are not taking aim at Jasper, Silsbee or any other school. We just take aim at the fans that refuse to look outside of the box and assume that just because they are located in a certian region that no one can beat their teams. I like reality myself and not just makeing comments like " We will kill your team". It's about the fans folks some have the foresite of a bat and talk just because thier teams have won in the past. I always have the utmost respect for the players and schools that compete in sports. BH will get beat at some point no doubt ,but I do think they will be a worthy apponent. PS Orangeboy who's your daddy
  19. You're kidding, right? I've had my share of sparring with both BHFAN and Jody on 3 (and probably 4) message boards. But once the battle ends, it's over and for either to harbor some resentment toward the other afterward is expending energy that, at least for me, is better served elsewhere. As to Silsbee, they were BH's opponent, why would they not come on a board that they are supposedly welcome on (they are welcome on it, right?) and profess why they think they will defeat their opponent of the week? And I am not sure who drug whom in this "battle." A review of the threads reveal precious little talk about Silsbee FROM Silsbee folk. Most of it appeared to from those that had an axe to grind with Jody or BHFAN. I'm not sure how Jasper has been "drug" into this fray, either. First of all, anybody who has monitored the boards knows that the war of words between BH and Jasper even predates WO-S' venture into 3A. Second, in touting Huffman, they were merely passing along their experiences against the Falcons in saying why they thought they would prevail, much like folks here have done for the likes of BC, Jasper, etc. I think everybody just needs to take a step back and a couple of deep breaths.
  20. Some talk earlier this week Have your questions been answered? Like some of us have said Huffman and BH to tough for District 22 OrangeBoy Who's your daddy now??????? bullgogbark I just wonder what happened to the DOGS... didnt they know that thay were playing Huffman? Didnt they know that it was all over for the dogs? I guess they just didnt know....what a shame jdawg03 1.)who was it that said Jasper wasnt even in the same class as Huffman???..... Who let them Dawgs out???/ 2.)the comment that Jasper wasnt even in the same league or class as Huffman...thats what got me.... now of course no one from Huffman said that, so It really doesnt matter....but Huffman doesnt need BH fans to come on here and proclaim their greatness...everyone knows theyre doing that to make themselves look better because they were beaten by them twice this year. Orangeboy 1.) Silsbee will win. NO DOUBT!!!! 2.) Let those BH fans talk their crap. They'll find out who their daddy is this weekend when Silsbee lays the smack down on them. Go get'em Dawgs.
  21. If you are ever near the U of H drive by the baseball park and see just how far away that McDonald's is from home plate , it will amaze you !!! You should have seen the looks of awe on peoples faces when Billy Ford hit that ball, the stadium went dead silent for awhile, people who were there still talk about . :shock:
  22. There was some talk before about bringing a minor league team to Beaumont.
  23. That is called discipline! And yes parents should have taught them before they get to thsi level, but how many teams have no respect for the national anthem? I have watched several kids and teams walk and talk during the anthem. Griff is an excellent coach and a great over all person. Honestly, how many coaches have ever worked on the national anthem?
  24. Let those BH fans talk their crap. They'll find out who their daddy is this weekend when Silsbee lays the smack down on them. Go get'em Dawgs.
  25. why do BH people feel the need to talk smack for Huffman.....i really don't think they appreciated too much.......
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