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  1. Whatever, not even married yet!! And yes, I will there at all the games, just don't leave me! Ready for all the trash talk and tshirts and anything else that may come up this year!
  2. dont worry WO-S they will talk about you soon http://www.jaspernewsboy.com/Current/Sports/
  3. can you imagian all the trash talk that goes on between lineman during a football game heck at the HS level it was bad.
  4. i played for ronnie thompson back in 1978. you talk about discipline. that man knows what he is doing. if he still has that watch out for memorial....
  5. I dont know about ever, but in the modern era I sure did enjoy watching Sean Weatherspoon play football for Jasper, talk about somebody who taught us what an all around player and student should look like and act. He was a class act on and off the field.
  6. Gosh PN-G and Nederland go waaayyy back. I'll those those guys talk about that one.
  7. Jody, thats why I like you! You find any topic and turn it into trash talk. Its going to be a fun season!!!
  8. Hey Jody make sure you Itemize that invoice: bold talk...$45.00 trash talk...$35.00 eating ones own word....priceless this is going to be a great season no matter what...I just love HS football
  9. Wes57, when your team does something in the positive for once, then you can talk. As for you Jody, let the smack begin!!!! :twisted: PS there is no way BH could hang with WOS.
  10. Amen on the pre-season "bold talk"..... You know there are people in Vegas that charge for game predictions.......I might have something going here... I'll work you up an invoice today...
  11. and your guarantee is worth what? a I told you so at the end of the day? a one week hiatus to make sure nobody remembers you saying it? wait its just bold talk before the season even starts. but we do enjoy being put in our place. we humble ourselfs before you
  12. I am all for that. Hopefully that is excatly what will happen in the next realignment. Makes the ost sense for both Dayto and BH from a travel standpoint. Besides, I would like to see a bunch of crazed loonies chant and wear Indian war paint..... Not to mention the smack I could talk to those die hards from Nederland with their dog barking fetish.....
  13. Originally DX was only supposed to last thru SummerSlam but Raws ratings have done so well since they got back together that there is talk of prolonging their stay and possibly adding a 3rd member to the stable........on that note I really dont see anyone in WWE that would fit the bill. It will be interesting to see if they bring back X-Pac.
  14. well the WWE has the championship back at least till saturday..DX had me laughing at the tv loved the McMahman duck talk segment....thought the Scottish team was a little over the top in believeability (sp) of course thats hard to believe comeing from the WWE :?
  15. showing your age there, coop!!! That's when they wrestled more and talked less. Give me the old days of 2 out of 3 matches. I remember seeing Gino Hernadez and Dusty Rhodes in a bull rigging match in Houston. Talk about bloody!! Dusty's blonde hair was red from all the blood. :shock: :shock:
  16. www.espn.com Holyfield returning from 21-month layoff The "Real Deal" is returning. Former four-time heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield, 43, is coming back from a 21-month layoff to face journeyman Jeremy Bates in a 10-round bout Aug. 19 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. "I'm very excited about it," Holyfield told ESPN.com on Wednesday. "Being able to finish what I've started means a lot. I was sidetracked lately, but I am getting back on the path." A news conference to announce the fight is scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the American Airlines Center, event organizer Lester Bedford said. Holyfield (38-8-2, 25 KOs) has lost three in a row and is 2-5-1 in his last eight fights. He hasn't fought since dropping a lopsided unanimous decision to Larry Donald on Nov. 13, 2004, in New York. After the Donald fight, Holyfield was indefinitely suspended by the New York commission for "poor performance," meaning he couldn't fight anywhere in the United States until the suspension was lifted. However, Holyfield protested and, after passing a series of medical tests more than a year ago, New York boxing officials changed his suspension from a medical one to an administrative one, which allowed him to seek licenses elsewhere. Last week, Holyfield was granted one in Texas. "I still want to be the undisputed heavyweight champ of the world," Holyfield said, repeating the mantra he has preached for the past several years. "There is no reason to fight if that was not my goal. Everything I have ever done was with that goal in mind. If my goal wasn't to be the undisputed heavyweight champ of the world then there would be no reason to get back in it." Holyfield will promote his own event under the banner of his newly created company, Real Deal Events, with Bedford serving as his point man. Holyfield said he worked out his problems with promoter Don King and that they parted on amicable terms. "We came to an agreement of what would be best," Holyfield said. "We worked it out and I am free from Don. There are no bad feelings." Bates (21-11-1, 18 KOs), 32, of Ashland, Ky., is a scrappy fighter who has faced several notable opponents, all of whom he has lost to. Among them: Kirk Johnson (KO2), Brian Minto (TKO8) and Ray Austin (TKO2), who beat him in his last bout on April 1. "He'll come in there and fight. The guy is not going to lay down," Bedford said of Bates. "Evander has to find out where he is at. We'll take it one fight at a time. If everything goes well in this one, we will take the next step." Holyfield has been working out on and off for about a year at trainer Ronnie Shield's Houston gym waiting for the opportunity to fight. Holyfield said the time off allowed his chronically injured shoulders to heal. He attributed his poor performance in recent fights to the shoulder problems. "It was a hindrance and now it is healed," Holyfield said. "The time off did me good. My whole thing was that when I was going through the problems I didn't think it was that bad. But I realized I was trying to make adjustments so I could be comfortable with my shoulders, and it was changing the way I did things. I was compromising myself because of my shoulder." Shields, who used to work as one of Holyfield's assistant trainers for several years and reunited with him as head trainer for the Donald fight, said Holyfield is as ready as he can be to fight. "He's ready to go. In the gym, every day, he's like, 'Man, we got to get a fight,'" Shields said. "And the good thing about this is that he is [promoting] it himself. He is not depending on anyone else to do it for him." Bedford has wanted to bring a major fight to Dallas for years. He said with tickets priced modestly from $35 to $200 and the arena set for 11,000, he thinks Holyfield can be a big draw. Holyfield agreed: "I have fans everywhere and the people of Dallas have a chance to see the only four-time heavyweight champ of the world." Bedford said he was working on TV coverage but that "it is not an important element to us right now." Bedford, who has worked on boxing events throughout Texas for years, admitted he was skeptical about working with Holyfield at first. "I have known Evander for many years and I am close to Ronnie, and they called me to come down to Houston to meet with them," Bedford said. "I wanted to see Evander for myself because you always have concerns. I wanted to talk to him and make sure everything is OK. The main thing was I wanted to find out if he really wanted to fight. I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to just go through the motions. "There is no way he will be as good as he used to be or that he expects to be as good, but he will tell you, and Ronnie swears up and down, that Evander shouldn't have taken the four or five fights because had a bad shoulder. He wasn't healthy, so the long layoff was the best thing for him. The shoulder is well now," he said. Shields said he will be looking for Holyfield to do certain things in the fight, otherwise he might not be able to support Holyfield continuing his career. "I need to see him throw combinations and I need to see him knock this guy out," Shields said. "This guy, Bates, isn't a world beater, but he's a good puncher and he will push Evander. He doesn't need a guy he can hit with one punch and knock out because that is a waste of everyone's time. We need someone with a credible record who will not get hit with one shot and go down." Shields admitted that Bates is the sort of opponent who probably wouldn't last more than a couple rounds with a prime Holyfield. "Without a doubt that is true," Shields said. "We're not talking about the old days. We have to live in reality. This is not the old days and he knows that. This is not the Evander of the early '90s. We are looking at the Evander of 2006, but he is not afraid of his age. He takes care of himself. "We have one goal, and that is to win the heavyweight championship of the world. We have to start somewhere. This is the start," he said. Holyfield said if he is satisfied with his performance, he wants to fight again in September. "I want to fight every month so I can get to where people are saying, 'Hey, you need to fight tougher guys.' Then I will say, 'OK,' and move up to another level," he said. "I've been training and preparing. I am ready. It's been a long journey."
  17. 1995 4A Area Game: #3 Denison vs. #10 Sweetwater Sweetwater's RB had run for over 2K yards and there had been a lot of smack talk heading into the game. Reggie Hunt ended the smack talk by setting a school record for Denison while rushing for 347 yards. Hunt scored on TD runs of 57 yds, 53 yds, 42 yds, and 50 yds. Hunt was also the starting FS. Sweetwater's RB ran for around 160 yds. Hunt won the battle of the RB's and Denison won the game 34-18. I have been blessed to see many other amazing performances by outstanding athletes from both Jasper and Denison.
  18. It is amazing to me how big these All Southeast Texas Teams have become.. I have seen and heard about them being mentioned in several newspapers and websites...here is the latest website to talk about it [Hidden Content] scroll down
  19. i saw him today at camp but didnt meet him but when i get a chance to talk to him i will
  20. Oh, I see it. But it is just listed as general talk about soccer, not just area high school soccer.
  21. WOW 9 of the 11 statements were about Deweyville for a team that does not have much respect in this district they sure are talked about alot. I wish we had to put our real names on here it would be very interesting to see. I hope this is not a case of another person with sour grapes. The players are working hard to improve and deserve some respect. If you fitandfiddle want to bash a coach have the guts to talk to him in person(but we all know that will never happen). To the young men from Deweyville "Keep working hard and we are proud of you" To fitandfiddle (DontKnow) you must be very worried about Deweyville and you should be friend. To all the teams in the district best of luck and to all the young men working hard keep it up. fitandfiddle is DontKnow on another site. You bashed Deweyville on there also. Same material on the other site. Come up with some new bashing material that is getting old. You know hate can kill a man. I will PRAY for you coach.
  22. the talk around town is martel is gone,and the rumor who is to replace him has made me what to change my vote for us (anahuac) winning district. not 1st or 2nd how about 4th maybe even 5th
  23. By Matt Diggs You will read that Southlake Carroll actually won their own tournament! How can this be? The rules hold that teams are not allowed to advance out of their own pool! The story goes back a little further than this - rumblings at the Weatherford tournament and the Wylie tournament clued Little Matt and myself to the fact that Southlake was going to hold a controversial tournament. Until we had pools, we decided to keep hushed up about it - and talk to the coaches directly and find out what was going on. Although we do not deem ourselves horribly ethical journalists with degrees in sports journalism 101, we do know the bounds of common sense, and did not want to go public with this information, especially without any type of confirmation from coaches. Friday night came, eight phone calls were left unreturned to the Carroll coaching staff to get pool information. Another prominent website was also unable to find out Southlake pool information. This was very curious, as usually pools are not hard information to obtain. Something fishy was going on in Southlake, but we decided to sit on the information. It turns out that Southlake was being hushed about the situation as they were about to run a SQT that ran perpendicular to the rules set out by the 7 on 7 officials. I would only imagine if Little Matt and I knew from referees that Southlake was considering running some weird tournament, that some of the directors knew about it as well. Although this is unconfirmed, I can only imagine that the SQT directors would not have been happy about this - and were not happy after the way the tournament unfolded. Southlake decided on its own volition to have eight teams out of 16 advance to quarterfinal play, regardless of the actual rules. I suppose, as some message board Carroll experts put it, to give the Dragons continued reps against good competition for their fall dominance - because 7 on 7 means nothing. I would like to take this moment to congratulate Colleyville Heritage coaches for having the integrity not to continue on into the qualifying rounds, allowing Azle a chance to advance. It wouldn't matter as Azle lost to Southlake Carroll in the first round of this unorthodox style, so basically Carroll, a team that qualified, knocked out Azle, a team that was given the chance to qualify by a gracious act of Heritage, from having the chance to qualify. Stay with me here if this might be confusing. A team that has already advanced to the state tournament is now preventing another team from qualifying in the big dance. So in the semifinals, we have Carroll, Grapevine, Stephenville and Lamar - 3 teams that have not qualified, no representative from pool D, and two representatives from pool A - one of which that has qualified. It makes you wonder why to even have pool play at this point. Must have been for the precious Dragons to have extra reps and practice for the fall season. Lamar and Carroll win, so Carroll knocks off a SECOND team that won its pool and has not qualified for its own personal glorification I suppose, and Arlington Lamar wins the first berth. I suppose to at least follow the rule that says two teams must qualify, a third place game was created with Grapevine and Stephenville. Stephenville lost to a non-qualifier in Lamar, and Grapevine lost to a state qualifier in Carroll. In the finals, Southlake Carroll wins their own tournament, defeating Arlington Lamar on what Little Matt politely noted as a "controversial play" - what Little Matt didn't want to say, and that I received an email or two about, is that the Dragons scored on the last play of the game, as the horn whistled, but about 2-3 seconds after the 20 minutes had expired for the game. Several "unofficial" time keepers had noted that the time had expired, but the Dragons wanted to get one more play off, the Dragons were the time keepers, and well, the Dragons win the tournament. Regardless of a 40:03 clock, we can only be glad that this was a meaningless championship game - I can only imagine what would have happened if Carroll decided to make up more rules and require teams to beat them for the right to make the tournament on 3 instead of 2 occasions. So Grapevine and Stephenville play the third place game, and Grapevine loses to Stephenville, apparently tired from playing SIX games to qualify instead of the requisite 4 games - and having their 5th game (which is normally a meaningless championship game) be against Southlake Carroll to qualify! Since the 7 on 7 board of directors strongly believes in their rules, judging by the actions taken in Alvin to disqualify a team that had played four full games and won four full games before being informed that their jersies violated code, and assuming since I knew that Southlake Carroll was having an illegal format - that certainly some of the other coaches knew as well that they were violating policy, I call for a disqualification of Carroll from the tournament and a revocation of their SQT for the next year. Anything less than this will be a sign that the 7 on 7 board of directors won't follow by their own rules. Carroll forced its arch rival Grapevine to play SIX games for the opportunity to qualify - whereas every other tournament in the state requires only four. Carroll created a situation that was advantageous to them - they got to play in six different games without any pressure to qualify - meanwhile teams that don't start the season on third base are fighting and clawing just to get into the tournament. I would propose that Grapevine receive Southlake's disqualified spot, since it was Southlake's illegal pool format that adversely impacted the Mustangs, forcing them beyond their comfort zone to have an opportunity to even qualify. I am personally embarrassed as someone that covers 7 on 7 fairly religiously that Carroll would so openly and egregiously disregard the rules of the 7 on 7 tournament. The Dragons have been as much of 7 on 7 as any team, winning the first ever 7 on 7 tournament in 1998. Their mere presence in College Station brings the level up. Wylie's victory over them last year had a celebration attached to it like a state championship (Gobbla2001 Note: Wow, never celebrated like that after practice ha). For the 7 on 7 directors at Southlake to cheapen the tournament for whatever gain they feel they may have achieved was disrespectful and lacked integrity. I would call on Southlake Carroll to voluntarily take themselves out of the 7 on 7 state tournament, but if they decide not to do this, I hope the state board takes the appropriate action - for Grapevine, for Sugar Land Dulles, which lost the chance to play in College Station, and for the 7 on 7 community in general, that demands that the rules be followed.
  24. I agree wosgrad. The past records tell alot..The caliber of teams in this district is awesome.I am optimistic every friday night ..But by the end of the night I am a little dissapointed.But I am realistic.getting on here and really not everyone, but on some other threads they are ready to give the district championship to Lumberton .and all I am saying just dont get your hopes up too much.I root for teams like Lumberton,but you just have to be realistic..I know its not everyone from Lumberton but I am hearing alot of people get on here and just talk noise that they have nothing to back it up except some Junior high record..well congrats to your JV team and your Junior high teams ..But Yall better get ready to be let down at the Varsity level. because Ozen, Dayton, Png, and Nederland don't really care how your JV team did last year..
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