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  1. Hey i agree with you guys 100%. But there are people alot more than you think from other schools that don't like all the smacktalk, i get the PM's from them i know. Some sites wouldn't even add a school pride forum. Smokey's site doesn't allow it at all. In fact they ban people who do it and he has the #1 site in the state as for as a regional board goes. I told jdawg it would be a great idea to add this forum here where people can do that. I know there will be some SM talk in the football forum and that is ok as well.
  2. I would encourage the person who considered it "smack talk" to go back and read all the threads..It was a few guys just having fun..No one was ever serious.. :cry:
  3. Oh i understand completely. There's always going to be some smack talk there's no stopping all of it. But jdawg has recieved PM's from people in other areas as well as i saying the reason they like this site is becasue there's not smack talk...
  4. Thats why I "try" to stay quite.. But thats what makes it fun on here..Talk about some good football and talk a little smack at the same time..
  5. I personally knew all of the Adkissons (Von Erichs) growing up, my father and Fritz were friends from childhood so we made a lot of trips to go see World Wide, I still remember those long roadtrips in the middle of the summer in my dads 65 Ford truck with windows down and sweating all the way there. It really was tragic for that entire family, I remember pretty much each and every death and we went to all the funerals so I witnessed it firsthand, its still mind boggling of how much can happen in such a short span. I still talk to Kevin, his son Ross is wanting to go into wrestling, and Kevin has said that he will support him in whatever he wants to do. He looks a lot like Kerry, kind of an uncanny resemblance.....hopefully Ross can give the younger generation a taste of the tradition that us older guys grew up with.
  6. Well said, baller. I wish Lumberton success but don't talk the talk until you have proven you can walk the walk. This is why you guys are taking so much heat on this board. You, my friend, seem to have it right.
  7. Over - I say this not knowing exactly what they have coming back this year and base this more on history, but Dayton. I know that in the past we have played them in the first round of the playoffs and historically, we had much stronger teams than them sitting at home out of the playoffs. I know they have Dugat and he is a player, but if they have the same type of talent they usually have, they will be a 4th or 5th place team in 22-4A. Under - As much as I hate to say it, I don't think PNG is getting enough of a chance. They will have a huge OL coming back and 2 good RB's. The Hemmings kid that played FB towards the end of last year reminded me of Josh Cook. He is a strong runner. If they answer some QB questions and make the adjustments they talk about on D, they can make a run.
  8. I go to Lumberton HS and man I wish them the best of luck. When you have not lost since 8th grade that is good ok I mean great but to be cocky is one thing also to be too cocky is another. I'm glad we are behind our team 100%. You have to realize though people on these boards need to be quiet because talk is cheap and when you have never made the playoffs and to keep talkin that's insane. I'm glad everyone is confident but wait till you win then start talkin. Use what people say to motivate you but stop talkin and wait till you win because if you keep talkin and can't back it up your in for a rude awakening. do it on the field!!! I wish everyone the best of luck and who knows it's a new season anything can happen!
  9. Rookie? How childish. You find so much self esteem in being a frequent poster, here? Good grief. Like I said...get a life. Jody wrote: "If you would spend less time checking grammer and spelling and more time watching a real football team like BH, you might one day be as smart as me." This will mark ten consecutive years you've watched WO-S play, right? There's always room in the corral for more outsider fans like you, so make yourself at home. You can be an honorary Mustang. I expect a competitive scrimmage tomorrow. What I also expect is that IF WO-S roasts BH, you'll still talk crap as if it never happened. Dementia is a serious disorder.
  10. Buna at Deweyville (lots of talk out of Buna) :twisted:
  11. My take on this and i see and talk to coaches everyday at school it will probably be three to five more years on football. I hope not but that's the word.
  12. LCM might want to invest in more stands on the visitor's side :shock: A video scoreboard and talk of field turf..............brings to mind that old Texas saying, "all hat and no cattle". :wink:
  13. Bay City was down compared to previous years, there's no doubting that, but they were good enough to make the playoffs both years and they were a good team. You don't want to acknowledge that...you'd rather use this as a way to talk down WO-S. MORE IMPORTANTLY, my original main point was that you think you know so much about WOS, but your comments continue to solidify that you're clueless. Somehow your knowledge of football and telling fishing stories about "the big one that got away" are getting crossed. Everyone knows you're a casual observer of HS football. Last year, you said that the 2005 Barbers Hill team was "one of the best teams you've seen in a long time." Yeah...getting scared by Splendora and spanked by Kirbyville really made a believer out of me, too. :roll:
  14. Rangers Upset With Padilla Make sure you catch the quote by Angels manager Mike Scioscia where he says beanballs wouldn't be part of any retaliation. ARLINGTON -- The Rangers have been in communication with the Commissioner's Office and are preparing for a suspension for pitcher Vicente Padilla after being ejected from Tuesday's game against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. A decision from MLB vice president Bob Watson is expected in the next day or two. The Rangers aren't happy about the situation and almost all of their displeasure is being directed at Padilla. "I was disappointed with how things unfolded," general manager Jon Daniels said. "We've got a lot on the line here. Our guys have put themselves in a position to contend and for something to get in the way of that is disappointing." The situation started unfolding Tuesday when Padilla hit Vladimir Guerrero with a pitch in the third inning. One inning later, he faced Guerrero again and came high and inside with a pitch that drew a warning from home-plate umpire Hunter Wendelstedt. Guerrero then hit a three-run home run. Padilla got Garret Anderson to line out but then hit Juan Rivera with a pitch and was ejected along with manager Buck Showalter. Showalter, who expects a one-game suspension for himself over the incident, met with Padilla before Wednesday's game and made it clear that he was not happy with what happened. "Believe me, we're not casting anything lightly," Showalter said. "Our conversation was pointed. One thing is we needed him out there pitching. "Obviously, everybody from the Angels to the Yankees, everybody has to pitch inside. That's part of his success, but sometimes you can go over the edge." Padilla does not talk to the media, but his teammates weren't happy with him either. Catcher Rod Barajas said he had no idea what Padilla was doing. "I don't know; that's my honest-to-God answer," Barajas said. "There was nothing that was talked about beforehand. I know you guys can't do this, but you have to go ask him. "I'm disappointed because I know there will be repercussions. You would hope people would think what the consequences are before they put their team in jeopardy, especially at this time of year. We're fighting for our life and now we won't be at full strength." Showalter talked to Angels manager Mike Scioscia before Wednesday's game about the situation. But the Angels were still upset about the second incident between two teams in less than two weeks. Adam Eaton was ejected from the last game in Anaheim for throwing behind Anderson. Asked about his players, Scioscia said, "They're disturbed as we're disturbed. But we're going to play baseball. I don't know what message was trying to be conveyed, but it's something that there's no need for." Asked about retaliation, Scioscia said, "Retaliation with a baseball is not part of our package. There are other ways to express things. But our resolve is firm that we are not about beanballs."
  15. piratefan the statement about where I live was not intended for you, that is why it is in a seperate paragraph. The statement about the boards is for you to realize I am not a trash talking rookie that you may think I am. I try and carry myself with class as I hope my Raiders will also. Unfortunately every now and again you get a few fools that like to talk trash and put down other schools. I am NOT one of those so why don't you carry yourslf back to Pirate land so us Raider fans can get excited and have a positive attitude about our upcoming season. Good luck to your Pirates!!
  16. NR-Vidor, you have no room to talk either. I'm just saying within 2 years we will win district. PF-We have room to talk when It comes to Lumberton!!! And you better bet I will be talking this season!! NR-Yea right. You fellas were loaded last year and didn't do squat. PF-We took care of yall!! Which didnt take much.. Yall say yall are undefeated since pee-wee we will see what yall do this year! love ya blue!! i smell a train wreck
  17. Guys, yall are killing me!!! Here is the bottom deal....... Lumberton has NEVER done anything. I am not trying to insult here, but come on. What yall are saying is that since the kids have played pop warner together, and been with the same coach for a few years, that yall will turn from a bad team to an Awesome team in one year. NOT going to happen. If you dont want people bashing your team, then dont come on here and stirr things up with people that respect LR as much as a bad re-run of HeHaw. SHOW us, dont TELL us. I DO hope yall do good this season. I also respect the love for your team, just walk the walk. Dont talk the talk. Bye the way, if yall want to battle it out, go to the School Pride Forum. No holds barred there :wink: Also, some of you say that we(WOS, Jasper, Silsbee, etc) talk our talk, so why cant we? Well we actually WIN! 8) So start winning, then you can talk. :wink:
  18. We have room to talk when It comes to Lumberton!!! And you better bet I will be talking this season!!
  19. Vidor, you have no room to talk either. I'm just saying within 2 years we will win district.
  20. Yeah and Deweyville has alot of room to talk. What has Deweyville done lately (from what I seen they do not even have a field to play on) Its okay I understand all of you nay sayers, just wait till the end of the season, there will be plenty of room on the Raider bandwagon. I graduated from Lumberton and we stunk up the place but I always keep faith in MY team. One of these days things will get going in the right direction.
  21. Maybe some of there Pop Warner teams can play on Friday for them (same result). I know that hurt just tried of all the unrealistic talk. Lumberton would have a hard time playing against some 2A schools.
  22. Hey Jacksonville Ind. I am just stating my honest opinion. I would love to have all of our local teams go to state every year. Then we can all go to TexasPrepXtra.com and talk trash with the rest of the state.
  23. I think a few factors come into play when you talk about NED and Ozen. Obviously, when they initially played, Ozen was fielding their first football team and didn't have the benefit of any seniors on their squad. NED definitely had an advantage over Ozen early on in the series by having an established program, but Ozen soon caught up. I think it's fair to say that Ozen has recently looked very strong against NED. They lost to NED in 01, but that was the year that NED made it to the semis -- easily one of the better Bulldog teams in history. In 02, 04, and 05, though, they've had stronger teams than NED. I don't know the reason why Ozen has won 3 of the last 5 games played, but they have. It may be something as simple as NED being outplayed/outcoached, or it may be something else, like a mental edge that Ozen has over NED. Whatever the case, the fact that NED has recently struggled against Ozen weighs into my belief that they will have a difficult time against a very good Ozen team this year, as well.
  24. Talk about a huge statement if Mid County comes home winners!
  25. Here is a very early rare picture of Coach Dan Hooks in his early years giveing a pep talk to WO-S secondary. We think this is were he invented the intercept the ball and put it in a basket play CLick photo to enlarge
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