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Posts posted by bobcatpapa

  1. question?

    OF/BC game, swung third strike it appeared the ump raised hand signifying player was out. batter walks to dugout and actually reaches the dugout. catcher then throws ball to firstbaseman who is half way down the first base line. batter then runs to get on first base. umpire calls him safe. what is the correct call?

  2. has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

    i agree with what is being said. players play ball, coaches coach, and fans cheer, scream, and holler at umps or whoever. 

  3. gabe good comment, it is going to be fun watching OF play through district. you are right, as good as statum and felts is, the difference this year is the rest of the team is producing as well. HF has a good team as well, but i think the best team last night was OF. but for the life of me i do not understand why you would design a field where it looks like your right fielder is just playing a deep second base???????? 

  4. first, i must congratulate h-j for their victory. they played aggressive defense causing turnover after turnover and o-f never could get theire game going. however, bobcat05 you don't need to comment or apologize for things you don't know anything about. i did not see any unsportsmanlike conduct by any o-f player or fan. i did see and o-f player get football tackled at half court by an hj player though and by the way no foul was called. but i am sure you hj guys didn't see that. as for the officiating, that was by far the best officiated game i have seen in an h-j gym. so i can honesly say h-j beat o-f. but i do find it odd the winning team's fans complaining about the officiating.

  5. the bobcats took it to h-f from the very tip off and never let up. this by far was their best performance of the year and for the first time this season they looked like the playoff team of last year. excellent team ball on both the offensive and defensive ends. it was good to see angelle and evans contribute the way they did tonight for the first time this year. hayes will score his points, but angelle, granger, and evans have to continue the kind of play we saw tonight throughout district play. sparks defensive effort was also key. great job boys and coach wrinkle now lets get ready for h-j. with another effort like tonight who knows what could happen??? 

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