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Posts posted by bearline2010

  1. Well, from what I have experienced from the first week of crouch football LC-M will do good this year. His workouts are twice as hard as what we're use to and as for our football team we were young lats year but we will have almost all are starters from last year. The only big blow for graduation is to our offense line where we lost 3 starting linemen. but there are two starting linemen (including me) returning.

  2. I would like to see coach Bolton get the job. He's only been at LC-M for one year but he has made a difference. All of us athletes as well as non-athletes like him. He's a good guy and a good coach. If he got the job Im sure that we would win games this year.

                                                  BOLTON FOR LC-M AD/HC

  3.                                                       OK I have a few questons

    Why would you say coach Griff would be a good football coach? He has never played highschool football. Why would the coach from kirbyville come to LCM didn't he take his team to the playoffs? 

      You Know why coach Burke would make a good coach? Because he's been in the trenches. He's been through the pain, blood, sweat and tears it takes to make a good football team. He knows what it takes to win.  but you know what makes me mad is all the parents posting on this topic about who would make a good coach, who have never played. Their the ones who when they were in highschool they were in the band. What the heck do they know about what makes a good coach?

    And stop knocking mms if you played for the bears you would know that there the only ones left. All the Lcjh kids quit because they "didn't like moody"  but now hes gone So where are they.  I think they quit because their spoiled little cry babys that couldn't push themselfs.  I guess the children from Lc are just like their parents.

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