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Posts posted by Heb

  1. There gonna need more than Thompson to beat these BC kids....trust me.....

    You do realize that kids develop at different rates and a lot could change between the 8th and 12th grades.  Middle school, freshmen, and even JV district championships do not automatically translate in to varsity district championships.

    Fortunes can change either way for each of these schools by that time.

  2. The reason the turf was separated from the rest of the items is because when the bond was first proposed, people complained more about the turf than any other item.  I personally believe the proposition 1 barely passed in part because of all the other athletic improvements. 

    Tam2121, our racial composition certainly played at least a partial role.  I'm not sure how many black people voted, but traditionally, black voter turnout is disproportionately low compared to white voter turnout.  I would bet many of the voters were older whites who no longer have kids in the school district, so the motivation to pay extra taxes was not the same as if they had kids who would attend the new or renovated schools.  There has been an effort to get the plants to help us with the turf.  The same plants to which we have and are currently giving a significant tax break, and they refused to fund it.  If those plant managers have kids in school, I doubt they are attending WOCCISD. 

    The money we lost due to "Robin Hood," it's gone and is never coming back.  As for the current funding of education in the state of Texas, it's a case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss.  We are still getting robbed.

    I'm just thankful proposition 1 passed.  Our program will continue to be great, regardless of the surface of the Dan R. Hooks Stadium.

  3. on your list of accomplishments, you forgot to list how WO-S managed to drop from 5A to 3A in a matter of 20 years.  just shows that nobody wants their kids to go to school there unless they can play football :D  I remember going to grade school and junior high in west orange and moving to LCM in the middle of my 8th grade year as a straight A student and being so far behind academically that I almost failed the 8th grade!  Sorry to be so ugly, but I am just saying what others are thinking.

    I went there and turned out alright.  I guess I'm just super smart.  People like you are why people from WO-S hates lcm.  You will probably be first in line to run to Orangefield or Bridge City wgen LC-M gets to "Black."  Sorry.  I don't mean to be ugly, just saying what a lot of Mustang fans think.

  4. I was at this game with a friend last night. 

    1)  HJ's game plan was to try and keep the ball out of WOS hands as much as possible by using the full play clock on each snap and possession.  That is not scared, that is smart when you know you are outmatched.

    2)  HJ had the ball on their own 20 with 1:30 to go in the half and were clearly just trying to get out of the half alive (down 32-0).  WOS calls timeouts to force HJ to punt.  WOS the proceeds to throw 3 bombs and catch the third one for a score with less than 10 seconds in the half. 

    3)  Handing it off and running it with different people is one thing.  You should never ask your players to stop playing hard.  However, calling timeouts to get the ball back (up 32-0) with under two minutes left in the first half is just plain __________________ (you can fill it in)

    4)  Beating the ever loving snot out of a good team is one thing (ex:  H-F beating Silsbee last night).  Embarrassing a team that doesn't have a chance before the ball is kicked off is another.


    At what point in the first half should we have stopped trying to score?  32-0?  26-0?  How about 20-0?

  5. I hope the Silsbee players and coaches do not overlook H-F.  I think they looked past H-F last year and nearly got beat by a bad longhorn team.  H-F is much better this year and Silsbee needs to focus on the task at hand.

    I do not think they can beat WO-S running the spread offense.  To much speed on the Mustang D.  They way to beat WO-S is to be HUGE up front and run up the middle.  Silsbee is huge, but the spread negates the o-line.

    Is Silsbee running the spread now?

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