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Strait Shooter

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Posts posted by Strait Shooter

  1. Hey I agree there were missed calls on both sides but why did the ref give WO two warnings for holding? and then throw a flag when a Lumberton defencive lineman got out of his three point stance a second early, that don't make sence. Also on a onside kick a WO player touched the ball for a split second and a Lumberton player fell on the ball, three officials called it Lumbertons ball and the "other official" called it WOS ball, there is no way he blew his whistle that fast.

  2. I think the weight limits should be changed. After reading a commint from another form stating that Lumbertons peewee O line is only 7 years old, those kids are going to be bigger and stronger next year. I don't think that a kid with talent should be held to line only because of his weight. The kids can't help it so why hold them back?

  3. Ok hear is how I saw it. I sat in the stand and watched both peewee & Jr games and the officials were, well lets just say they need to get on the same page or just leave. Anyway after sitting through both games I bought a video of each. I sat at home and watched both games 3 times and what I saw relay upset me. So I did some investigating and found out that the head official has ties to the WOS youth football program. Now how can a team get a fair game if you have an official on your side, and be leave me you could tell. I'm sure if the Lumberton coaches new about this they would not be happy. I also can't be leave that the STJFL didn't do something about it, or did they know? I think that if the games were played again with different officials they would be alot closer or even a different out come. I'm not trying to take anything away from the kids, be leave me both teams played their harts out and both teams were great. I'm just saying that it should be fair for both sides. And yes I would like to say congrats to WOS peewee & Jr teams and their coaches for two well fought and coached games.

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